Thread: Mapchooser4
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Join Date: Feb 2014
Old 03-19-2014 , 17:29   Re: Mapchooser4
Reply With Quote #650

i have problem.

When rtv is succesfully reached, the menu show yourself for only second and plugin choose custom nextmap instantly.

Players cant vote, they have no time for it.

amx_mapchooser_type "1"  (default is 0):

0: random maps from amx_mapchooser_mapsfile/mapcycle/maps folder
1: nominations
2: the nextmap is a random map chosen from amx_mapchooser_mapsloc (no vote)

amx_mapchooser_mapsloc "0"  (default is 0):

0: amx_mapchooser_mapsfile
1: mapcycle
2: maps folder

amx_mapchooser_mapsfile "maps.ini" - File used when amx_mapchooser_mapsloc is set to 0 (default filename is "maps.ini").
The file must be in amxmodx/configs/ folder.

amx_mapchooser_mapsfile_s "maps.ini" 

File used when amx_mapchooser_mapsloc is set to 0 
and there is less than 10 players on the server (default filename is "maps_small.ini").
The file must be in amxmodx/configs/ folder. If it's not existing there, the regular 

amx_mapchooser_mapsfile "maps.ini"
will be used also for smaller than 10 amount of players on the server.

amx_nominfromfile "0" (default is 0):

0: players can nominate all the maps from the map folder
1: players can only nominate maps from amx_mapchooser_mapsfile/mapcycle

amx_maxnominperplayer "1" 
<num> - how many maps each player can nominate (default is 1).

amx_map_history "0"
<num> - how many last played maps shouldn't go to the maps vote menu (default is 5).

amx_extendmap_max "15"
 <time in mins.> - max. time for overall extending the map if mp_timelimit is used (default is 90).

amx_extendmap_step "15"
 <time in mins.> - with what time the map will be extended if mp_timelimit is used (default is 15).

 <number of possible polls for extend> - how many times the map can be extended if mp_maxrounds is used (default is 3).

 <number of rounds> - with what rounds number the map will be extended if mp_maxrounds is used (default is 3).

 <number of possible polls for extend> - how many times the map can be extended if mp_winlimit is used (default is 3).

amx_ext_win_step <number of rounds> - with what rounds number the map will be extended if mp_winlimit is used (default is 3).

amx_rtv 1
 <0/1> - enables/disables rockthevote option (deafult is 1).

amx_rtv_percent "0.2"
 <0.0-1.0> - rockthevote ratio (%/100 human-players they need to say rockthevote to start voting for the next map (default is 0.6).

amx_rtv_min_time "1"
 <time in mins.> - minimum time (in minutes) required to play the map before players can use rockthevote feature (default is 10).

amx_rtv_map_time "5"
 <time in sec.> - time to change to the new map after successful rtv and then successful voting for the new map, the map
(instead waiting until round end). Default is 10 (increasing it to 300 will effect in waiting to the round end to change the map).

These AMX X cvars - normally registered by admin.sma plugin but also checked by mapchooser4:
amx_vote_time "1" <time in mins.> - the time next vote can happen since last vote happened. Default is 10.

amx_vote_delay "15"  <time in secs.> - the length of time the vote is active. Default is 10.
amx_last_voting "1" <time in mins> - the time last vote happend (internal use).
amx_show_activity "2"
0 - doesn't show what the admin is doing (starting any vote i.e.), 
1 - shows to everybody the activity of admin, but without showing his name, 
2 - shows the activity of the admin with his name. 
Higher than 2 values of this cvar aren't supported by mapchooser4 plugin
Soldier.Zi is offline