Thread: Too Late To Ban
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Old 03-16-2014 , 13:32   Re: Too Late To Ban
Reply With Quote #71

The reason I wanted there not to be a back button when you type !tltb was because that is the first menu that you see. It would not make sense to have a back button. However if you type !admin, player commands, ban disconnected player and pick a player, it makes sense to have a back button here because you just paginated through them. Is there a way to detect if you came in through sm_admin? Then it would have a back button but !tltb wouldn't. Maybe through an if statement? Then TltbAdminMenuHandler wouldn't have to call a different menu.

if (sm_admin):
		/* Allow navigation back and forth */
		SetMenuExitBackButton(menu, true);
If there's not, I think it wouldn't be very hard to create a boolean.

- Although this feature isn't entirely necessary, it would be nice to have.

Last edited by sipster19; 03-16-2014 at 14:38.
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