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Join Date: May 2013
Old 01-26-2014 , 17:44   Re: [TF2]i need help to fix .sp
Reply With Quote #9

There had been plenty of request for fix in the original thread, beside, if you look at it, that version and the reddit version are very different (they never bother to update the thread, but instead post it on reddit)
But if some kind stranger would be wonderful enough to fix this for us, here's my suggestion: (I run a Hidden Mod server for quite a long time.)

-There's a bug that if the player that are Hidden disconnect, the whole game mode becomes broken until you reload the plugin.

-Starvation mechanic is flawed, often Hidden players died from starving have no idea why they die. It would be better to make it, when Hidden cloak runs out, he become mildly visible and health draining, instead of just dying instantly.

-Scouts often starve Hidden because of their speed, which make very frustrating gameplay. Hidden's speed should be increase as his cloak/starve meter decrease, up to 120% speed.

- (this one is just extra though) Engieneer are pretty useless, i say allow all sentry as mini sentry and self destruct after 5 second.

That's what I gathered, I have a quite popular Hidden Mod server if you interested (heavily modified for balancing purposes, such as Hidden grenade, nerfed pyro/heavy, etc) for the IP just PM me or add me on Steam:

Hopefully this dying game mode would not be abandon unto oblivion...

Last edited by Marverlous; 01-26-2014 at 17:46.
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