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Join Date: Apr 2012
Old 01-01-2014 , 19:23   Re: We may have a problem...
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Originally Posted by abrandnewday View Post
But just for the sake of keeping Valve happy, I'd delete it completely.
Well, this is why I began sourcemod (I was mainly a modeler), so I'm not gonna delete it, but I will keep it on my server, or (Maybe) select few servers that I can trust not to share or abuse.

Maybe there's a way to make a trust system, where I can disable the specific extension (I'd need to make extension, so no decompile). The extension would have different IDs for each I would give out, and connect to a private database for the extension to know if it has access to work. If a server abuses or gives to another server that abuses, I can ban that extension with that ID from working.

It'd be like what Valve had in mind at one point (If I remember right).
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