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Old 01-01-2014 , 18:47   Re: Regarding using this for TF2
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Originally Posted by Mavrick4283 View Post
I have not done "game" updates for HLX:CE for almost a year now; so no out of the box it will not have the new weapons in the web side.

All weapons are tracked though; as long as valve puts the weapon in the logs HLX:CE picks it up the ingame plugin just adds on to the logs so weapons like the golden wrench that show up in the logs as weapon_wrench will be counted as weapon_golden_wrench. Before some one hops on my nuts this is just and example I can not remember off the top of my head if the gold wrench had a different weapon type by default.

As for "how easy is the plugin/web interface to update"...I do not think it is hard to add new weapons but it takes time; you need to login to the HLX:CE admin and add new weapon to the game then create the images that relate to it. As for the plugin I have NO clue I do not know sourcepawn so I have never even rely looked at it.

TLDR; yes you can add any weapons that are not showing in the web side; and all weapons are tracked as long as they are in the logs.
Wonderful! Also, I thought you were the creator of this (based on the Github or Bitbucket or w/e it was I was looking at), but I do thank you for the information nonetheless!

Time to get updating the web interface then, I guess!
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