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Old 12-28-2013 , 15:32   Re: L4DToolZ Metamod plugin (l4d1 & l4d2)
Reply With Quote #1270

Originally Posted by dareksbs View Post
Hi Guys,

I've got problem with users on the server, whole plugin works fine, but only when there is less than 4 players or more than 6, when there is 5 players, one of them is in spectator mode.

Do anyone know how to fix this problem ?

I try to separate users using this commends :
sm_cvar l4d_infected_limit "8"
sm_cvar l4d_survivor_limit "8"

But server always shows
[SM] Unable to find cvar: l4d_infected_limit
[SM] Unable to find cvar: l4d_survivor_limit

//edit :
I just check my server and well, right now there is 7 players and 3 of them are in spectator mode. It's strange, because today there was 8 players and 4 of them was survivor and 4 of them was zombies... I don't know why right now there is just survivors, those spectator should play as a zombies.
If you had 7 players and 3 where in spectator mode, they where probably playing Coop mode.
assuming you have the following in your Server.cfg

sv_maxplayers 8
sv_visiblemaxplayers 8

As you also mention "there was 8 players and 4 of them was survivor and 4 of them was zombies" they where probably playing versus mode.

These are standard game modes and don't require l4dtoolz.

Originally Posted by dareksbs View Post
I think that L4DToolZ plugin doesn't work, because I create a new server, without L4DToolZ, and 8 players can play...
I assume your trying to get 8 player Coop working
If so you need a plugin like Bebop or Multislots to manage the extra slots (requires L4dtoolz)

I notice your plugin list (post 126 is missing the above two or any other plugin that manages extra slots
without one of the slot manager plugins you will only have the standard 4 player coop and 4v4 versus

Don't forget to add the following to your Server.cfg:
sv_gametypes "coop,realism,survival,versus,teamversus,scav enge,teamscavenge" // add or delete the desired game modes as required
sv_maxplayers 8
sv_visiblemaxplayers 8

Hope this is useful, have fun
Dead Men Fighting L4D2 8 Man Dead Men Fighting UK

Last edited by Munch; 12-28-2013 at 15:36.
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