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Old 11-09-2013 , 17:56   [ANY] SteamWorks
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Hello, this extension actually provides a bunch of things now (originally; Family Sharing detection).

This should function for any SteamWorks enabled game. However, I've only tested using CS:S on Linux. Windows builds are possible, but I can't support them.

Interfaces presently supported (and exposed to Pawn). ISteamGameServer, ISteamHTTP, ISteamGameServerStats. If you'd like more interfaces added (with natives/hooks); by all means just post.

Include File:
Confirmed (maybe) working: CS:GO Lin/Win, CS:S Lin/Win, DoD:S Win, L4D2 Lin/Win, TF2 Lin/Win.

My game doesn't work! Nothing works! :(
That's a bug, let me know and we can probably fix it.

Installation Instructions:
If your server has an outdated Steam Client (presume yes, even if your game has been updated recently; unless if you know for sure), you need the latest SteamClient. I've included this from the redistributable portion of the SteamWorks SDK (1.28). This goes in the bin directory beside your gamedir.
This is no longer the case, Valve has since updated a lot of games with a newer steamclient copy then what's attached. If your game has been updated recently, you should be fine (a lot has changed in 3 years).
If you're still running an ancient game like L4D2 and not something more recent and up to date like CS:S or DoD:S you need any steamclient from the past 4 years to have this work.

The rest is pretty straight forward, just extract SteamWorks to your gamedir.

Thanks to:
VoiDeD - Showing how to use Callback Macros.
psychonic - Example for HTTP, knowing which binaries to replace, significant buildbot help.
Drifter - Significant amb2 help.
Unknown Steamworks Devs - Adding the requested functionality to SteamWorks after Family Sharing was being heavily abused.

Plugins to supplement SteamWorks.ext Functionality:

Plugins using SteamWorks.ext:

Full Documentation:

Hopefully this helps someone.
The latest development version can be found here:
The latest development builds can be found here:
Old development builds can be found here:
Attached Files
File Type: xz SteamClient.tar.xz (4.19 MB, 48896 views)

Last edited by KyleS; 05-31-2020 at 22:48. Reason: Added Travis-CI w/ Github.
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