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Old 11-08-2013 , 23:10   Re: [EXTENSION] Socket (3.0.1)
Reply With Quote #442

This extension has been causing Source Engine servers to hang, waiting on a thread. The only plugin I use Socket with as far as I know, is SourceIRC.

01:54 StrikerMan780 Hey Asherkin, you know that dump I had posted on the tracker, right?
01:54 asherkin yes
01:54 StrikerMan780 I got a minidump now of another crash, hopefully as a proper 32-bit one... would you be alright with helping me look at it again?
01:55 asherkin I can, but not tonight, if you email it to me at [email protected] I'll take a look in the morning
01:55 StrikerMan780 Alright
01:59 StrikerMan780 Ok, I sent the e-mail.
01:59 StrikerMan780 Thanks, by the way. Much appreciated.
02:00 StrikerMan780 It's too bad Windows' server binaries don't include debugging symbols
02:00 asherkin you should at least setup Accelerator
02:00 StrikerMan780 I know Valve has shown no interest in adding them, but they should be Pestered like crazy until they finally break
02:00 asherkin it wont make one shred of difference
02:00 StrikerMan780 Will Accelerator work despite the server freezing rather than crash?
02:01 asherkin the people that don't want them provided are the ones that don't communicate
02:02 asherkin I've spent decent portions of the last year discussing it with their optimization/crash investigation guy
02:02 StrikerMan780 Damn
02:02 StrikerMan780 Kind of a stupid move on their part
02:02 StrikerMan780 they include them with Linux Builds as it is
02:02 StrikerMan780 Kind of pointless to not include them with the Windows Builds as well
02:03 StrikerMan780 makes solving crashes/problems with windows dedis a pain in the ass
02:03 asherkin it's mostly a lack of understanding, and an unwillingness / lack of time to learn
02:04 asherkin that dump is also stuck in sockets
02:04 asherkin (what can I say, I'm impatient)
02:05 StrikerMan780 perhaps it's something that should be reported to the creator of the socket extension?
02:05 asherkin he hasn't been around in years
02:05 StrikerMan780 is the source code still around for it?
02:06 asherkin best bet would be to compile it yourself, then give me the PDB (so I can add symbols to Throttle), then I can give you a stack trace with function names
02:06 asherkin yeah; if his site is down it's been posted in the thread
02:06 StrikerMan780 ah, found the source :
02:06 StrikerMan780 So, how would I go about compiling extensions?
02:07 asherkin
02:08 asherkin that... is something that is unreasonably complex for most 3rd party extensions, and is likely even worse for that one
02:08 asherkin at a more reasonable time of night (although he might still be around, try poking him in #sourcemod), psychonic would be the best person to ask; he may have built that one in the past
02:09 asherkin it's definitely not something I'm going to attempt unravelling at 5am
02:09 StrikerMan780 Ok, so
02:09 StrikerMan780 looking at that paste
02:09 StrikerMan780 It's an infinite loop?
02:09 asherkin no, it's waiting on a critical section (i.e. another thread)
02:09 StrikerMan780 Ah
02:10 asherkin (I don't know why I'm missing windows symbols there, poking that now >.< )
02:12 asherkin that's better
02:13 StrikerMan780 ah
02:14 StrikerMan780 Perhaps psychonic could help in that regard, going by what you said?

Last edited by StrikerMan780; 11-08-2013 at 23:12.
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