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Join Date: Apr 2013
Old 09-15-2013 , 19:10   [CS:GO] Team players limitation?
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Hello guys, I have this problem in my CS:GO server and i hope you guys can help me because i've tried almost everything and i can't fix it.

Well, the thing is this, in some MG maps, there aren't CT spawns, just Terrorist, for example in the map mg_saw you only can join as Terrorist, but... there's some strange team limitation which doesn't let more than 12 ppl join the same team, that mean, all others can't join to the match and can't play.

I've tried mp_limitteams 0, 30, 15, any kind of value, same as mp_autoteambalanace 0, I even thougth it was a "maxplayers" problem in my server, so i've changed it to 32 or any other value, but there's still the same problem, i can't "unlimite" this stupid team limit.

Is there any mod, command or something that actually changes it?.

Extra info: Server is running with the latest Metamod and Sourcemods

Thanks in advance guys and sorry if there were another thread with same problem.
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