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kingdom of weird stuff
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Old 08-01-2013 , 18:09   Re: making waypoints for podbot_mm.
Reply With Quote #16

Originally Posted by Rirre View Post
It prints straight to the server console, spamming if a node can't find a path to another node.
even in screen afaik. but this is about waypoints saved with with errors.
Originally Posted by ANTICHRISTUS View Post
firstly, we should make difference between bugged and wrongly/badly made waypoint file:
  • a file having errors somewhere: isolated areas, some specific waypoints missed, etc. will not save correctly, even if it's nicely made.
  • a file saved without any error dosen't mean that's a nice one. it may be crapy but working "without errors".
It has to work both ways which is bad in my opinion if you use a rare map which is supposed to only be one-way (you are not supposed to go/find a way back to spawn zone), such as deathrun maps. Would be awesome if that would be implemented in the future.
very easy but will take too much time . you need to edit every junction between waypoints. and finally, bots will not play deathrun, they aren't designed for it !

Search for de_westwood.pwf as example and you will see what I mean.
seriously, did you read the main post before to ask people to search ? there was two different de_westwood.pwf files in my dropbox archive + another one in 17buddies (both are now in a .zip file).
later, I'll remove the duplicated waypoints folder, and merge all similar waypoints in a .zip file, like this one.

Bots stuck at a window in CT spawn so they just camping there while T go and plant the bomb when there is 2 ways which are waypointed which can lead them out of there, instead they camp there and spam the console with "path not found to <node number>".
any screenshots ?

in those four different de_westwood.pwf files there are:
  1. two .pwf files have crapy waypoints near the windows that you talking about.
  2. one .pwf have an aparently nice ones.
  3. one .pwf don't allow bots to use that window (no waypoints near it).
Have waited for a fix for this in so many years.
give it, I'll fix + optimize it . or better, test those in the link above, and tell me which one is the best to edit it !

ps. I can't test and optimize the thousands of waypoints that I have. it takes like more than one hour to make a medium map, more time to check and adjust, and more time to spectate bots, then to adjust again and again.
go try my optimized cs_assault_nod that I made today, and compare it with the other one.

Last edited by ANTICHRISTUS; 08-01-2013 at 23:09.