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Remy Lebeau
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Sydney, Australia
Old 06-15-2013 , 02:23   Re: Help creating a "mine"
Reply With Quote #2

So I've updated the entity code to the following:

        new ent = CreateEntityByName("prop_physics_override");
        DispatchKeyValue(ent, "StartDisabled", "false");
        TeleportEntity(ent, end, normal, NULL_VECTOR);
        SetEntProp(ent, Prop_Send, "m_usSolidFlags", 152);
        SetEntProp(ent, Prop_Send, "m_CollisionGroup", 1);
        SetEntityMoveType(ent, MOVETYPE_NONE);
        //    SetEntProp(ent, Prop_Send, "m_MoveCollide", 0);
        SetEntProp(ent, Prop_Send, "m_nSolidType", 6);
        SetEntPropEnt(ent, Prop_Data, "m_hLastAttacker", client);
        DispatchKeyValue(ent, "targetname", beammdl);
        DispatchKeyValue(ent, "ExplodeRadius", "256");
        DispatchKeyValue(ent, "ExplodeDamage", "400");
        Format(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%s,Break,,0,-1", beammdl);
        DispatchKeyValue(ent, "OnHealthChanged", tmp);
        Format(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%s,Kill,,0,-1", beam);
        DispatchKeyValue(ent, "OnBreak", tmp);
        //  SetEntProp(ent, Prop_Send, "m_takedamage", 2);
        AcceptEntityInput(ent, "Enable");
        HookSingleEntityOutput(ent, "OnBreak", mineBreak, true);
Which now works perfectly! (and is really quite freaking cool). My remaining problem is friendly fire... Because this is a system environment, the explosion does damage indiscriminately (which is a problem!) Is there any way to get an entity explosion to respect the friend fire setting?
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