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Old 01-01-2006 , 23:27  
Reply With Quote #8

lol, i just realized this doesn't only have to be for surf maps either. it can reset round when first enabled (only the first time) and disable buying (you can't buy on surf maps anyways, but this way it allows normal maps to have races as well. The only prob for normal maps is the spawn locations. That can be approached two ways.
1. Set everyone to a team if it is NOT a surf map (set everyone to t or ct, maybe defined by a cvar? admins can turn on ff if they wish for rivalry )

2. Make custom cfg's for where a team can spawn. this is prob the harder way for admins and clients, but may ultimately be more useful and fun.

To make it more interesting as well so peeps can improve their race time it can show the top 3 peoples distance per second/minute (speed).
Originally Posted by Twilight Suzuka
Don't worry m'lord. The turtles day will come.
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