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Join Date: Apr 2013
Old 04-24-2013 , 16:17   Re: Advanced Team Attack Control v3.0.1
Reply With Quote #323

I'm very sorry for not reading through all these pages, but I read the more recent half of them and didn't find this information.

Is it possible to ignore attacks/kills by grenades?

Also, if someone got the time, maybe you could help with other settings? I want the plugin to work like this:
two teamkills and you're banned;
five teamattacks equals a teamkill;
counters reset every map;
and nothing else.

I read the documentation and assume that these are the only settings that should be different from the default:
atac_menu 0
atac_team_kills 2
Is this correct?

Also is it possible to count in the hostage kills aswell?

Last edited by Tontons; 04-24-2013 at 16:22. Reason: Added question at the end
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