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Junior Member
Join Date: Mar 2013
Old 04-12-2013 , 18:16   Re: [TF2] gScramble Team Balancer/Scrambler -- 3.0.13 8/20/12
Reply With Quote #1347

Im using Sourcemod 1.5, i really want to disable join team and spectator to avoid stacking, any help?

Here is the error log.
L 04/12/2013 - 07:32:38: SourceMod error session started
L 04/12/2013 - 07:32:38: Info (map "koth_viaduct") (file "errors_20130412.log")
L 04/12/2013 - 07:32:38: [SM] Plugin encountered error 4: Invalid parameter or parameter type
L 04/12/2013 - 07:32:38: [SM] Native "VFormat" reported: Language phrase "VoteAd" not found
L 04/12/2013 - 07:32:38: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "gscramble.smx":
L 04/12/2013 - 07:32:38: [SM]   [0]  Line 293, C:\Users\****\Desktop\scripting\include\
L 04/12/2013 - 07:32:38: [SM]   [1]  Line 943, gscramble.sp::Timer_VoteAd()
L 04/12/2013 - 07:40:58: [SM] Plugin encountered error 4: Invalid parameter or parameter type
L 04/12/2013 - 07:40:58: [SM] Native "VFormat" reported: Language phrase "VoteAd" not found
L 04/12/2013 - 07:40:58: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "gscramble.smx":
L 04/12/2013 - 07:40:58: [SM]   [0]  Line 293, C:\Users\****\Desktop\scripting\include\
L 04/12/2013 - 07:40:58: [SM]   [1]  Line 943, gscramble.sp::Timer_VoteAd()
L 04/12/2013 - 07:43:49: [SM] Plugin encountered error 4: Invalid parameter or parameter type
L 04/12/2013 - 07:43:49: [SM] Native "PrintToChat" reported: Language phrase "BlockJointeam" not found
L 04/12/2013 - 07:43:49: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "gscramble.smx":
L 04/12/2013 - 07:43:49: [SM]   [0]  Line 487, gscramble.sp::CMD_Listener()
L 04/12/2013 - 07:48:04: Error log file session closed.
L 04/12/2013 - 07:50:38: SourceMod error session started
And here is my config

// Enable/disable the plugin and all its hooks.
gs_enabled "1"

// **************************
//                            *
//  Auto-balance settings    *
//                            *
// **************************

// Enable/disable the autobalance feature of this plugin.
// Use only if you have the built-in balancer disabled.
gs_autobalance "0"

// Time in minutes after a client is balanced in which they cannot be balanced again.
gs_ab_balancetime "10"

// Controls who is immune from auto-balance
// 0 = no immunity
// 1 = admins
// 2 = engies with buildings
// 3 = both admins and engies with buildings
gs_ab_immunity "0"

// Max time the teams are allowed to be unbalanced before a balanced is forced on low-priority living players.
// 0 = disabled
gs_ab_max_unbalancetime "60"

// How many of the top players to protect on each team from autobalance.
gs_ab_protect "3"

// If one team has this many more players than the other, then consider the teams imbalanced.
gs_ab_unbalancelimit "2"

// Allow clients to tell the plugin what team they prefer.  When an autobalance starts, if the client prefers the team, it overrides any immunity check.
gs_ab_preference "0"

// Time, in seconds after an imbalance is detected in which an imbalance is flagged, and possible swapping can occur
gs_ab_actiondelay "10"

// If teams become imbalanced by this many players, auto-force a balance
gs_ab_forcetrigger "4"

// If less than this amount of time (in seconds) is left in a round, stop auto-balancing.
// "0" will disable this function
gs_ab_timelimit "0"

// Only balance human players and ignore bots.
gs_ab_humanonly "0"

// Force a balance between each round. (If you use a custom team balance plugin that doesn't do this already, or you have the default one disabled)
// does not require this plugin's autobalacne to be enabled
gs_force_balance "0"

// Time in seconds to protect a client from autobalance if they have recently captured a point, defended/touched intelligence, or destroyed a sentry.
// 0 = disabled
gs_teamwork_protect "60"

// **************************
//                            *
//  Auto-scramble settings    *
//                            *
// **************************

// Enables/disables the automatic scrambling.
gs_autoscramble "0"

// Auto-scramble only after a full round has completed.
gs_as_fullroundonly "0"

// If a teams wins with a frag ratio greater than or equal to this setting, trigger a scramble
// 0 = disables this check
gs_as_hfragratio "2.0"

// Starts a scramble vote instead of scrambling at the end of a round
gs_as_vote "0"

// If a team wins in less time, in seconds, than this, and has a frag ratio greater than specified: perform an auto scramble.
// 0 = disables this check
gs_as_wintimelimit "120.0"

// Lower kill ratio for teams that win in less than the wintime_limit.
gs_as_wintimeratio "1.5"

// If the average score difference for all players on each team is greater than this, then trigger a scramble.
// 0 = disables this check
gs_as_playerscore_avgdiff "10.0"

// If a team has this many more dominations than the other team, then trigger a scramble.
// 0 = disables this check
gs_as_domination_diff "5"

// If enabled, trigger a scramble if a team never captures the point in koth mode
gs_as_koth_pointcheck "0"

// If enabled, lock teams when a scramble is about to happen until it happens. This will block clients from changing to spectator
gs_as_lockteamsbefore "1"

// If enabled, lock teams the entire next round after a scramble. This will block clients from changing teams
gs_as_lockteamsafter "0"

// **************************
//                            *
// global scramble settings *
//                            *
// **************************

// Minimum people connected before scrambles are possible
gs_as_minplayers "12"

// If enabled, teams will scramble at the end of the 'waiting for players' period
gs_prescramble "0"

// If a scramble happens during setup, restore the setup timer to its starting value
gs_setup_reset "1"

// Sets if admins and people with uber and engie buildings are immune from being scrambled.
// medics + enginneers are not immune during scrambles at the beginning of the round
// 0 = no immunity
// 1 = just admins
// 2 = charged medics + engineers with buildings
// 3 = admins + charged medics and engineers with buildings.
gs_scramble_immune "0"

// If a scramble-now happens during setup time, fill up any medic's uber-charge.
gs_setup_fill_ubers "1"

// Player scramble sort mode.
// 1 = Random
// 2 = Player Score
// 3 = Player Score Per Minute.
// 4 = Player Kill-Death Ratios
// 5 = Swap the top players on each team, controlled by gs_top_swaps
// 6 = Use GameME rank
// 7 = Use GameMe Skill
// 8 = Use Global GameMe rank
// 9 = Use Global GameMe skill
// 10 = Use GameMe Session
// 11 = Use HlxCe Rank
// 12 = Use HlxCe Skill
// 13 = Sort by player classes
// 14 = Choose randomly one of the above sort modes.
// This controls how players get swapped during a scramble.
gs_sort_mode "1"

// Percentage of players to randomly choose during a random scramble
// min 0.10
// max 0.8
gs_random_selections "0.65"

// The number of players to swap during a top-swap scramble
gs_top_swaps "5"

// If set, it will scramble after a team wins X full rounds in a row
gs_winstreak "0"

// If set, it will scramble every X full rounds
gs_scramblerounds "0"

// If set, then it will block auto-scrambling from happening two rounds in a row. 
// Also stops scrambles from being started if one has occured already during a round.
gs_no_sequential_scramble "1"

// If set, then print scramble stats
gs_as_print_stats "1"

// If set, then grand dueling immunity during a scramble.
gs_as_dueling_immunity "0"

// **************************
//                            *
//  admin flag settings        *
//                            *
// **************************
// ** if multiple flags specified, will work if client has just one of these flags

// Admin flags for scramble protection (if enabled)
gs_flags_scramble "ab"

// Admin flags for balance protection (if enabled)
gs_flags_balance "ab"

// Admin flags for team swap block protection (if enabled)
gs_flags_teamswap "bn"

// **************************
//                            *
//  generic settings           *
//                            *
// **************************

// Disable most of the frequent chat messages the plugin displays
gs_silent "1"

// Integrate into the sourcemod admin menu
gs_admin_menu "1"

// Enable the mp_forceautoteam command and block people from using the 'jointeam' and 'spectate commands
gs_block_jointeam "1"

// Sets if admins set by 'gs_flags_teamswap' are immune from team swap blocking
gs_teamswitch_immune "0"

// Punish clients trying to restack teams during the team-switch block period by adding time to when they are able to team swap again
gs_punish_stackers "0"

// Time after being swapped by a balance or scramble where players aren't allowed to change teams
gs_changeblocktime "220"

// The plugin will check if people are reconnecting to the server to avoid being forced on a team.  Requires clientprefs
gs_check_reconnect "1"

// Allow clients to choose buddies so that the plugin will try to auto-balance them together, 
// and not scramble buddies who are on the same team
gs_use_buddy_system "0"

// If set, block client changes to spectator that result in a team imbalance
gs_prevent_spec_imbalance "1"

// Select spectators who have recently changed to specator during scrambles and force-balance.
// Setting to 0 disables.
gs_Select_spectators "1"

// **************************
//                            *
//  voting settings           *
//                            *
// **************************

// How often, in seconds, to advertise the vote-scramble command
// 0 = Disabled
gs_vote_advertise "500"

// String clients type in chat to trigger a vote
// separate multiple triggers with COMMA
// max of 3 triggers
gs_vote_trigger "votescramble,scramblevote,sausage"

// If set, publicly started votes are disabled when an admin is preset.
gs_vote_adminblock "0"

// 0 will trigger scramble for round end.
// 1 will scramble teams after vote.
gs_menu_votebehavior "0"

// Percentage of votes for the menu vote scramble needed.
gs_menu_votesneeded "0.60"

// Enable/disable public voting
gs_public_votes "1"

// If this many seconds or less is left on the round timer, then block public voting.
gs_public_roundtime "0"

// How to handle the final public vote if there are less that X seconds left in the round, specified by the roundtime cvar.
// 0 = block the final vote.
// 1 = Allow the vote and force a scramble for the next round regardless of any other setting.
gs_public_roundtime_blockmode "0"

// Percentage of people needing to trigger a scramble in chat.  If using votemode 1, I suggest you set this lower than 50%
gs_public_triggers "0.60"

// For public chat votes
// 0 = if enough triggers, enable scramble for next round.
// 1 = if enough triggers, start menu vote to start a scramble
// 2 = scramble teams right after the last trigger.
gs_public_votemode "0"

// Time in seconds after the map has started and after a failed vote in which players can votescramble.
gs_vote_delay "60.0"

// Time in seconds after a successful scramble in which players can vote again.
gs_vote_delay2 "300"

// Minimum people connected before any voting will work.
gs_vote_minplayers "6"

Last edited by DarthNinja; 04-15-2013 at 03:41. Reason: [quote] is for quotes. [code] is for code.
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