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Join Date: Dec 2010
Old 04-04-2013 , 09:52   [BUG] ZR loading before Admin Groups and desables private classes.
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[BUG] ZR loading before Admin Groups and desables private classes.

 "Fat Majini"
        // General
        "enabled"               "yes"
        "team"                  "0"
        "team_default"          "no"
        "flags"                 "0"
        "group"                 "vip gold"
        "name"                 "Fat Majini - VIP Gold Class"
        "description"           "+HP 6000 | +Speed 320| +Jump 1.2 | Knockback 1.2"
        // Model
        "model_path"           "models/player/slow/amberlyn/re5/fat_majini/slow_css.mdl"
        "alpha_initial"         "255"
        "alpha_damaged"         "255"
        "alpha_damage"          "0"
        // Hud
        "overlay_path"          "overlays/zr/zvision"
        "nvgs"                  "no"
        "fov"                   "110"
        // Effects
        "has_napalm"            "yes"
        "napalm_time"           "12.0"
        // Player behaviour
        "immunity_mode"         "0"
        "immunity_amount"       "0.0"
        "no_fall_damage"        "no"
        "health"                "6000"
        "health_regen_interval" "0.25"
        "health_regen_amount"   "5"
        "health_infect_gain"    "700"
        "kill_bonus"            "1"
        "speed"                 "320"
        "knockback"             "1.2"
        "jump_height"           "1.2"
        "jump_distance"         "1.2"
Here is the problem :

"group" "vip gold" is alredy made in Sourcebans but every 3-4 maps this stops working ,so ZR is loading before the groups and then desables my Classes which are set to be used by a specific group.

16:49:45  SourceMod Version Information:
             SourceMod Version: 1.5.0-dev+3824
             SourcePawn Engine: SourcePawn 1.1, jit-x86 (build 1.5.0-dev+3824)
             SourcePawn API: v1 = 4, v2 = 4
             Compiled on: Apr  3 2013 09:33:49
             Build ID: 3824:1bdf91c47e13
16:50:03 Metamod:Source version 1.10.0-dev
         Build ID: 817:e04a06a9a8d7-dev
         Loaded As: Valve Server Plugin
         Compiled on: Feb  5 2013
         Plugin interface version: 15:14
         SourceHook version: 5:5
I tried with many ZR version including the latest beta snapshots but all of them have this problem ,also changed many SM snapshots to see if that is not the problem ,but still ....

Richard ,can you please fix this problem for us ?

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