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Join Date: Dec 2011
Old 03-05-2013 , 17:51   Re: How to allow server admins to register their own SB account?
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Originally Posted by ecca View Post
You need to create your own register page. You could probably steal the code from where you add an admin and just mess around with it a bit to create your own register system.

Just a question: Why the hell do you want them to register by themself, people will add them as admins :p ?
Well I figure they can register their own account, but the account wouldn't be automatically added to the "Web Admins" group I've created. That's where me, being the server owner would come in. I'd manually add them to the group once I've received confirmation from them that they've registered.

I know I registered accounts for my admins before, about a year ago, when I used to run a server or two. I've just forgotten how I did so, so I figured I'd ask here about a registration page.

As for coding one up myself, I'm good with basic HTML and CSS, but not with stuff like setting up a registration page from scratch, mainly because I don't think any groups that use SourceBans actually has a registration page that I could code-swipe from.
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