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Old 02-10-2013 , 16:57   Re: Need TF2 Trading Bot
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Originally Posted by Merbo View Post
The mysql server handles the base accounts. I have a credits system by which users have currency based on the items they give the bot. The table follows like this:
SteamID(32-bit (STEAM_0)) | Username | Password (In SHA256) | Credits
You register on the site (Have a look at my site) and then the bot will recognize you due to it querying the MYSQL server for your seamid, searching for your username. The website uses the same SQL queries in the shop. My system is more scrap items->bot->mysql->shop->TF2Items modifies your items. I didn't want a clone of that tf2warehouse, so I chose a different approach, customization. The entire system took me a few hours total to do, the only issue was the learning curve in sourcepawn to get the server to be pull custom attributes from mysql.
Sorry, i think you may have misunderstood me, i wanted to know how you were able to make it so that using php u sign in with a steam account and give it certain actions to do. I know you would use the Steam Api, but i really don't have enough knowledge about how you would go about doing it. Mind point me in direction?
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