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Join Date: Sep 2011
Old 01-07-2013 , 18:06   Re: Pinion Completetion Rates

Originally Posted by asherkin View Post
Probably less money than would have been lost buying impressions they couldn't sell.
This is the root of the problem. The ad companies have gotten too greedy and now that we can fast forward thru TV commercials/skip them altogether on some systems - avoid them in browsers with adblock etc etc..they are looking for anyway they can to push it on people even if that means doing it to gamers in games. IMO they should pay for 3 seconds of an ad showing no matter what as it DID in fact show - and that few seconds of the ad showing may or may not turn into anything but thats the same chance they take from 3 to 30 seconds. The only ad I've ever watched all the way thru was the one with the model walking around her kitchen in her panties eating a bowl of cereal...hell I would have played it again if I could have at that moment.
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