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Old 09-07-2012 , 21:46   Re: [TF2] Model Manager 1.0.2 (01/12/2012)
Reply With Quote #502

I've had it running for some 10 hours or so without any issues with the MM, going to add models 1 by one until it crashes.

Valve has introduced all sorts of model bugs as of MVM, so it's no surprise that there are these issues. There's a very odd bug with all-class hats/miscs which will duplicate hats forever. Just equip an all-class item, pick a class, then change to another, and another, and it will just keep stacking the item each time you change the class. You can keep stacking flairs, amassments of hats, or whatever he hell you have. You can do it on non-sourcemod servers (valve servers). Also, models seem to ragdoll now when equipped by the model manager (not always), but often when they are equipped by other methods, and almost always in ff2/vsh.

Oh, and if your hat has an unusual effect, it will stack as well, so you can have a ton of circling hearts or whatever as well.

Last edited by friagram; 09-07-2012 at 21:47.
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