Thread: Predator Mode
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Join Date: Jul 2005
Old 11-09-2005 , 22:18   Predator Mode
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Predator Mode (CS1.6)

This plugin allow a player to become a predator, but he needs to pay the price of frags and money (the admin decide the price). A predator have 200HP and 500AP, he is invisable and his speed and jump are better than normal. A predator also got a plasma attack.(the admin chooses how many plasma shot the predator will get every round). The predator has a special vision so he can see better. When a predator dies he becomes a normal human again. The admin can set the score the predator will get for each kill and how much money he will get for each kill
headshot will add the predator an extra point (more than the admin decided). A predator
can't use any weapon but claws and his plasma gun BUT he can kill in 1 knife strike so be aware .

[edit]: Added bodyheat view and few sounds for changing view mode and for activating\deactivating the heatview

*NOTE* A predator can change his view mode (normal, 3d person, strategy)

admin_enable_predator 1/0 == Turns on and off the predator mode (default 1) *NOTE, ADMIN COMMANDS ARE STILL ACTIVE*
admin_everyone_predator 1/0 == Turns on and off the EVERYONE predator mode (default 0) *NOTE, if on, u must choose a predator or u die*
admin_frags_predator [number]Decide how many frags you need to pay to become a predator (default 20)
admin_money_predator [number] == Decides how much money you need to pay to become a predator (default 16,000)
admin_plasma_predator[number] == Decides how many plasma shots a predator will get (default 3)
admin_frags_plasma [number] == Decides how many frags a predator gets for plasma kill (default 1)
admin_frags_knife [number] == Decides how many frags a predator gets for knife kill (default 2)
admin_kill_money [number] == Decides how much money a predator gets for each kill (default 300)
admin_predator [name][type][plasma] == Change a player into a predator, choose type of predator and amount of plasma
admin_predatorteam [team][type][plasma] == Same as admin_predaotr just to a full team (T,CT,ALL or 1,2,3)
admin_unpredator [name] == Change a predator into a human
admin_unpredatorteam [team] == Same as admin_unpredator just to a full team (T,CT,ALL or 1,2,3)
admin_addplasma [name][number] == Adds Plasma shoots to a predator (player have to be a predator)
admin_predator_custom [name][type] == Changes a player's MODEL into a predator model *NOTE, HE IS NOT A PREDATOR*
admin_view_predator [number] == Changes the speed of the bodyheat (default 0.2) [change map to take effect] {version 1.94+)
admin_hp_predator [number] == sets amount of HP the predator gets (default 200) {version 1.95 only}

ppfire == Shoot a plasma ball (i suggest u bind it to mouse3)
pcview == Change the view mode of the predator (i suggest u bind it to P)
dbinds == Auto bind the client functions into the default keys
say /predatorhelp == help about other predator say commands



*NOTE* the SMA file is not enough for the plugin to work. i upload the full plugin to a site so ull b able to download it (its 6.23MB which is more than the max here)

Download the lastest big files (version 1.96):

also make sure u get the right sma/amxx file from below (should be version 1.96)

[UPDATE] added dieing view
you can download the 1.71 sma and the amxx files from here below.

If you find bugs try to download the plugin again from here... if the bug still exist PLEASE tell me so i can fix it thanks .

version 1.8 upgraded the views + bugs fixed.
added functions of makeing team or every1 predators (and removing)
bugs fixed with predator unpredator sounds and more...
just download the new SMA no new pack needed.

version 1.9 added help system.. and added
"everyone predator" command + few bugs fixed
+ added file so i upload a new server pack soon link above.

version 1.95 added hp cvar for predator
i dont know where tha hell is version 1.94
long time didnt update so i dont remember ^^ oh well im sure this 1
is the best renew ur predator mode to version 1.95!

version 1.96
fixed compile problems, it now complies perfectly (without removing random lines ;P)
channel overflaw should be fixed
sorry for long time.

lite version!!!
removed useless commands
removed 3 of 4 predator type
just as lite as it should be

new claws.mdl file (no longer wolverin but real predator claws :O)
thanks to fikstress
a rar file with the model is avaliable at the attach section.. just replace it with ur old claws.mdl file.

Lite version 1.1
plasma bug fixed. please always keep ur plugin file (amxx) updated
from here. cuz they might be newer than the ones in the packages.

Lite version 1.2
fixed menu bug (doesnt let u predator)
removed some code that's not needed
Attached Files
File Type: rar PredatorMode196.rar (6.35 MB, 35442 views)
File Type: sma Get Plugin or Get Source (predator.sma - 19021 views - 72.3 KB)
File Type: rar PredatorModeLITE.rar (2.41 MB, 15428 views)
File Type: rar claws.rar (177.1 KB, 12459 views)
File Type: sma Get Plugin or Get Source (predator_lite.sma - 11648 views - 46.4 KB)

Last edited by haimmaik; 09-24-2007 at 14:52.
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