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Join Date: Jul 2010
Old 06-28-2012 , 18:32   Re: Changing a weapon with TF2 items.
Reply With Quote #14

stock RemovePlayerTarge(client)
    new edict = MaxClients+1;
    while((edict = FindEntityByClassname2(edict, "tf_wearable_demoshield")) != -1)
        new idx = GetEntProp(edict, Prop_Send, "m_iItemDefinitionIndex");
        if ((idx == 131 || idx == 406) && GetEntPropEnt(edict, Prop_Send, "m_hOwnerEntity") == client && !GetEntProp(edict, Prop_Send, "m_bDisguiseWearable"))
            AcceptEntityInput(edict, "Kill");
stock FindPlayerTarge(client)
    new edict = MaxClients+1;
    while((edict = FindEntityByClassname2(edict, "tf_wearable_demoshield")) != -1)
        new idx = GetEntProp(edict, Prop_Send, "m_iItemDefinitionIndex");
        if ((idx == 131 || idx == 406) && GetEntPropEnt(edict, Prop_Send, "m_hOwnerEntity") == client && !GetEntProp(edict, Prop_Send, "m_bDisguiseWearable"))
            return edict;
    return -1;
stock GetPlayerWeaponSlot_Wearable(client, slot)
    new edict = MaxClients+1;
    if (slot == TFWeaponSlot_Secondary)
        while((edict = FindEntityByClassname2(edict, "tf_wearable_demoshield")) != -1)
            new idx = GetEntProp(edict, Prop_Send, "m_iItemDefinitionIndex");
            if ((idx == 131 || idx == 406) && GetEntPropEnt(edict, Prop_Send, "m_hOwnerEntity") == client && !GetEntProp(edict, Prop_Send, "m_bDisguiseWearable"))
                return edict;
    edict = MaxClients+1;
    while((edict = FindEntityByClassname2(edict, "tf_wearable")) != -1)
        decl String:netclass[32];
        if (GetEntityNetClass(edict, netclass, sizeof(netclass)) && StrEqual(netclass, "CTFWearable"))
            new idx = GetEntProp(edict, Prop_Send, "m_iItemDefinitionIndex");
            if (((slot == TFWeaponSlot_Primary && (idx == 405 || idx == 608)) || (slot == TFWeaponSlot_Secondary && (idx == 57 || idx == 133 || idx == 231 || idx == 444))) && GetEntPropEnt(edict, Prop_Send, "m_hOwnerEntity") == client && !GetEntProp(edict, Prop_Send, "m_bDisguiseWearable"))
                return edict;
    return -1;
stock FindEntityByClassname2(startEnt, const String:classname[])
    /* If startEnt isn't valid shifting it back to the nearest valid one */
    while (startEnt > -1 && !IsValidEntity(startEnt)) startEnt--;
    return FindEntityByClassname(startEnt, classname);
There's others e.g. ones tuned to non-demoshield wearable weapons, but you can figure those out easily.
Bread EOTL GunMettle Invasion Jungle Inferno 64-bit will break everything. Don't even ask.

All plugins: Randomizer/GiveWeapon, ModelManager, etc.
Post in plugin threads with questions.
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You will be fed to javalia otherwise.
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