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Join Date: May 2008
Old 06-21-2012 , 20:11   Re: SourceMod FindEntityByClassname / SetEntProp extension equivalents?
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Originally Posted by Powerlord View Post
Hi guys,

I was wondering if there was an easy way in a SourceMod extension to find an entity by its classname and adjust its properties. This would be quite easy to do in a plugin, but unfortunately, the rest of my logic is already in an extension.

Incidentally, the entity class is vote_controller, and the properties I want to adjust are:
 -Member: m_iActiveIssueIndex (offset 796) (type integer) (bits 32)
 -Member: m_iOnlyTeamToVote (offset 800) (type integer) (bits 32)
  Sub-Class Table (2 Deep): m_nVoteOptionCount
  -Member: 000 (offset 0) (type integer) (bits 8)
  -Member: 001 (offset 4) (type integer) (bits 8)
  -Member: 002 (offset 8) (type integer) (bits 8)
  -Member: 003 (offset 12) (type integer) (bits 8)
  -Member: 004 (offset 16) (type integer) (bits 8)
 -Member: m_nPotentialVotes (offset 824) (type integer) (bits 32)
 -Member: m_bIsYesNoVote (offset 828) (type integer) (bits 1)
(yes, all of them)
For FEBC, you can copy the native implementation using IServerTools right out of SDK Tools.

For finding datadesc property offsets and values, use GetDataMap and FindInDataMap on IGameHelpers.
PHP Code:
datamap_t *pMap gamehelpers->GetDataMap(pEntity);
typedescription_t *td gamehelpers->FindInDataMap(pMap"m_nVoteOptionCount");
uint32 nVoteOptionCount = *(uint32 *)((intptr_t)pEntity GetTypeDescOffs(td)); 
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