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Join Date: Feb 2012
Old 05-13-2012 , 22:22   Re: HitBox Problem ("Glock problem")
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First of all, what you are talking about is hit detection, not hitbox. The hitbox are the players themself.

Second, cl_lw 1 will let the client generate the shells. The problem with this is that the engine is not accurate at all when generating them, and they will just land just about where they feel like.
cl_lw 0 will tell the server to report back to you where your shots are really hitting. Yes, they are 100% accurate!
The problem with using cl_lw 0 is that it turns off lag compensation too, so don't use it unless you have under 5ms, I would still not use it even then since the hitbox will be slightly off.

Assuming that those picture were taken with cl_lw 0, then your server is just really bad and you should reconfigure everything and run benchmarks on it to ensure its stability under load.
If you used cl_lw 1, then everything is probably fine and you shouldn't stress the issue anymore.

Have a nice day

Last edited by Antoweif; 05-13-2012 at 22:44.
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