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Join Date: May 2012
Old 05-03-2012 , 07:30   Re: The art of signature scanning
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Aaa, yes! I noticed my mistake. I can't believe I was so stupid. But in that case,
I must ask, when do you want to use signature scanning? Is it only of interest when
using windows? Since all executables/libraries have the symbols provided with them
in Linux (which in turn means that dlsym will always find them)?

I must say though, that this could not be a more interesting subject for me right now.
I've just implemented a detour, and have caught InstallGameRules event (with pre-post hook),
now I'm just trying to figure out how to use this class pointer it returns

EDIT: I must also ask about the class pointer CBasePlayer. For instance; if I want to
call a function which takes a CBasePlayer pointer as an argument, should I provide
an edict_t pointer or the pvPrivateData pointer?

Haha, just hooked RoundRespawn and tried to call it with pvPrivateData. Couldn't have gone smoother!

Last edited by TheAvenger; 05-03-2012 at 10:01. Reason: It was pvPrivateData....
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