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Join Date: Oct 2005
Old 10-13-2005 , 02:06  

Originally Posted by Zenith77
1) Its not my plugin, its your responsiblity smart one, and its really not that hard to add support, just add one if statment, and check the mapname. Boy, thats real hard.

So yes it is YOUR problem.

2) For the last fricking time, and may this be the last tiem anybody has to say it to somebody else, Do not post a plugin you have tested, it makes no sense.
1) You dont actualy have any authority over what I am developing. As a free man, i choose to create scripts and also what to make. If i dont feel like doing something about it, its your choice to modify it to your own needs - its neither of ours responsibility to add the support for this but if YOU want it - YOU do it. After all, its just one little if statement, is that so hard? ;)

2) It is tested and it is working, but not propperly tested since i dont use speedhack myself. It checks your movement, if the values are higher then max allowed you will be kicked. You can adjust the sensetivity to being banned for sneeking/walking/running/fallling/speedhacking and i have adjusted it to NOT ban people for sneeking/walking/running/falling in a "normal" way, so assuming speedhacking is going faster then normal sneeking/walking/running/falling it can and will ban them.

Suggestion: Modify you attitude ;)

Have now propperly tested the code and it seems to be 100% working.
Tested with "Legal Speed Hack" plugin by GHW_Chronic and the script booted me right out when using it - not otherwize.
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