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Join Date: Mar 2009
Old 01-31-2012 , 15:56   Re: Deagles' Map Manager v3.24
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I need help ASAP!

Thank you for updating the plugin, though now I have a very annoying problem (did not have this problem b4) after adding the new update.

How can I DISABLE "- Added check for enabled conflicting plugins
("Nextmap Chooser", "NextMap", "Galileo", and "Crab's Map Manager")

I need to have Nextmap Chooser ON, in order for my server to work, to be able to changelevel, otherwize it gets stuck right after you choose the map (on rtv) so can anyone please tell me how can I disable this function!

public check_conflict() {
new sDV[8], iDV, bRepeat;
//repeat error over and over..
if (is_plugin_loaded("Nextmap Chooser") > -1) {
bRepeat = true;
if (is_plugin_loaded("NextMap") > -1) {
bRepeat = true;
if (is_plugin_loaded("Galileo") > -1) {
bRepeat = true;
if (is_plugin_loaded("Crab'sMapManager") > -1) {
bRepeat = true;

What do I write so that the plugins does NOT check if it is conflict!

Thank you for your help! - If none answer is given, I guess I have to go back to the old version - like I said I just need to disable this "conflict checker" then my server works, but I've got no clue on what do!
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