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Old 01-28-2012 , 21:59   Re: Deagles' Map Manager v3.24
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Common Issues

Why does my screen/console keep saying "[DMM] INVALID DICTIONARY FILE! Current version: X. Expected version: X to X."?

You must use a compatible version of the dictionary file. A check was added in v3.24 of the plugin to detect this issue. If you use a version that is too old or too new, it can cause problems. These problems range from simple typos to client disconnects. All downloads of the plugin come with matching versions of the plugin and dictionary files.

Why does my console/log file show the following message: "[DMM] ERROR: The XX command does not belong in any config file."?

A lot of the configuration for this plugin is done via commands rather than CVARs. The settings are saved in a configuration file and read each time the plugin loads. While it used to be possible to put these commands in configuration files, it caused more problems than it solved. Starting with v3.24 of the plugin, these commands are only accepted from a client console. If I wrote the plugin from scratch, I would have not done it this way, but I don't intend to remove backward compatibility.

My log file says "Found 0 Maps in your mapcycle.txt/allmaps.txt file, 0 are available for filling slots," but I have maps in one of those files. What gives?

Make sure you don't have the extension (.bsp) in the map names. If all else fails, delete the allmaps.txt file. The plugin will regenerate the file after a map change.

Why does the plugin show the following message: "The next map will be <blank>"?

I have added lots of debugging info to the plugin (on my server) and after thousands of mapcycles, I have been unable to reproduce this issue. I know the problem exists for some people, but as far as I can tell, it is caused by other plugins. I have added checks for the plugins that I know cause issues, but there are probably more out there.

If anyone can provide any insight into this issue, please do! If your server reliably experiences this problem, I am especially interested in a copy of everything in your ../<modname>/addons/amxmodx/ directory. Just make a zip/rar/bz2/7z archive and upload it to one of the file sharing sites and send me a link. If you have any passwords (especially RCON) in the config files, please edit/remove them before sharing.

My server has over 600 maps. How can I get the plugin to support them all?

Edit the following line in the source before compiling:
#define MAX_MAPS_AMOUNT 600

How can I change/disable the logging to the dmaplogXXXX.log files?

(v3.25+) Find the following line in the source and change the value. All values are listed in the source just below this line.
To disable the logging completely, use LOGLEVEL_NONE. I recommend LOGLEVEL_WARN for most users, or LOGLEVEL_INFO if you're a curious person.

Nothing happens when I select a map in the vote menu.

Certain mods on certain operating systems do not bind all ten number keys by default. Make sure all ten of your number keys are bound to slot1, slot2 ... slot9, slot10. Note that the zero key is bound to "slot10", not "slot0".

Last edited by DynamicBits; 08-01-2013 at 17:48. Reason: Common Issues
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