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Join Date: Apr 2011
Old 12-15-2011 , 15:24   Re: [L4D2] Objects Spawner [2.0 Reloaded] v2.0.6 (Save Objects Supported)
Reply With Quote #141

Originally Posted by Recon-1 View Post
Alright thanks for that.

Btw, I don't suppose you know how to configure this to spawn (via the prop list menu) usable 50.Cal and Minigun positions ? Cause when someone suggested I put this into the stripper, it does create one, but it's not usable.
I can do so via a weapons plugin, but I want it them to be saved along with the other props so they can spawn at the start of the map.

"origin" "1664 564 416"
"updatechildren" "0"
"StartDisabled" "0"
"spawnflags" "0"
"solid" "6"
"SetBodyGroup" "0"
"rendermode" "0"
"renderfx" "0"
"rendercolor" "255 255 255"
"renderamt" "255"
"RandomAnimation" "0"
"pressuredelay" "0"
"PerformanceMode" "0"
"model" "models/w_models/weapons/50cal.mdl"
"MinPitch" "-25"
"MinAnimTime" "5"
"MaxYaw" "65"
"MaxPitch" "50"
"MaxAnimTime" "10"
"glowcolor" "0 0 0"
"fadescale" "1"
"fademindist" "-1"
"ExplodeRadius" "0"
"ExplodeDamage" "0"
"disablereceiveshadows" "0"
"body" "0"
"angles" "0 90 0"
"classname" "prop_mounted_machine_gun"
"hammerid" "593162"
I've currently been fixing up this plugin and adding new features, like weapon spawns, item spawns, dynamic/breakable worklights, prop selection commands for simpler editing, and a fire escape command that pre-assembles fire escapes with a specified amount of 'floors' and parents them so you can move/rotate them as one entity. I will try to add this turret feature if I get a chance, then i'll post up the new version.

My version of Object Spawner only supports the plugins built-in save method, but it will be backwards compatible with your old paths saved using this method. If someone else would like to update this to support Routing or Stripper file types that would be fine.

Last edited by xioSlayer; 12-15-2011 at 15:34.
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