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Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: North Texas
Old 10-22-2011 , 03:36   Re: [CSS] Throwing Knives
Reply With Quote #283

I was receiving a lot of complaints about throwing knives not throwing in close-quarters combat, meaning the attacker would deal a 17hp knife hit rather than a 57hp (or whatever you have your throwing knife damage set to) knife hit. To fix this I added the bolded code. It would be trivial to make this a CVAR setting. It currently doesn't check to see if you melee attack the head (a headshot) and instead treats all melee knifings as body shots.

If a player is too close to throw a knife but left clicks the victim then it counts the same amount of damage as a throwing knife would and subtracts one knife from the attackers available knives. If the attacker has no throwing knives left then normal melee damage occurs. Right clicks are unaffected and work normally. The only issue I can see right now is that the melee knife hits are counting twice (the normal 17hp damage + the throwing knife damage) but this could be fixed very easily as well.

// if lemurs had knives,
// they would throw them!

#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>

#define NAME "CSS Throwing Knives"
#define VERSION "1.2.2b"
#define KNIFE_MDL "models/weapons/w_knife_ct.mdl"
#define KNIFEHIT_SOUND "weapons/knife/knife_hit3.wav"
#define TRAIL_MDL "materials/sprites/lgtning.vmt"
#define TRAIL_COLOR {177, 177, 177, 117}
#define ADD_OUTPUT "OnUser1 !self:Kill::1.5:1"
#define COUNT_TXT "Throwing Knives : %i"

new Handle:g_CVarEnable;
new Handle:g_CVarEnableDev;
new bool:g_bDev;
new Handle:g_hLethalArray;
new Handle:g_CVarVelocity;
new Float:g_fVelocity;
new Handle:g_CVarKnives;
new Handle:g_CVarDamage;
new String:g_sDamage[8];
new Handle:g_CVarHSDamage;
new String:g_sHSDamage[8];
new Handle:g_CVarSteal;
new Handle:g_CVarTrail;
new bool:g_bTrail;
new Handle:g_CVarNoBlock;
new bool:g_bNoBlock;
new Handle:g_CVarDisplay;
new g_iDisplay;
new Handle:g_CVarFF;
new const Float:g_fSpin[3] = {4877.4, 0.0, 0.0};
new const Float:g_fMinS[3] = {-24.0, -24.0, -24.0};
new const Float:g_fMaxS[3] = {24.0, 24.0, 24.0};
new g_iKnives[MAXPLAYERS+1];
new g_iKnifeMI;
new g_iPointHurt;
new g_iEnvBlood;
new g_iTrailMI;
new Handle:g_hKTForward;
new Handle:g_hKHForward;
new Handle:g_hKKForward;

public Plugin:myinfo = {

    name = NAME,
    author = "meng",
    version = VERSION,
    description = "Throwing knives for CSS",
    url = ""

public APLRes:AskPluginLoad2(Handle:myself, bool:late, String:error[], err_max) {

    CreateNative("SetClientThrowingKnives", NativeSetClientThrowingKnives);
    CreateNative("GetClientThrowingKnives", NativeGetClientThrowingKnives);
    return APLRes_Success;

public OnPluginStart() {

    g_CVarEnable = CreateConVar("sm_throwingknives_enable", "1", "Enable/disable plugin.", _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
    g_CVarEnableDev = CreateConVar("sm_throwingknives_dev", "0", "Enable/disable dev. mode.", _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
    g_CVarVelocity = CreateConVar("sm_throwingknives_velocity", "5", "Velocity (speed) adjustment.", _, true, 1.0, true, 10.0);
    g_CVarKnives = CreateConVar("sm_throwingknives_count", "3", "Amount of knives players spawn with.", _, true, 0.0, true, 100.0);
    g_CVarDamage = CreateConVar("sm_throwingknives_damage", "57", "Damage adjustment.", _, true, 10.0, true, 200.0);
    g_CVarHSDamage = CreateConVar("sm_throwingknives_hsdamage", "127", "Headshot damage adjustment.", _, true, 20.0, true, 200.0);
    g_CVarSteal = CreateConVar("sm_throwingknives_steal", "1", "If enabled, knife kills get the victims remaining knives. 0 = Disabled | 1 = Melee kills only | 2 = All knife kills", _, true, 0.0, true, 2.0);
    g_CVarTrail = CreateConVar("sm_throwingknives_trail", "0", "Enable/disable trail effect.", _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
    g_CVarNoBlock = CreateConVar("sm_throwingknives_noblock", "0", "Set to \"1\" if using noblock for players.", _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
    g_CVarDisplay = CreateConVar("sm_throwingknives_display", "1", "Knives remaining display location. 1 = Hint | 2 = Key Hint", _, true, 1.0, true, 2.0);
    g_CVarFF = FindConVar("mp_friendlyfire");

    // initialize global vars, hook CVar changes
    HookConVarChange(g_CVarEnable, CVarChange);
    g_fVelocity = (1000.0 + (250.0 * GetConVarFloat(g_CVarVelocity)));
    HookConVarChange(g_CVarVelocity, CVarChange);
    GetConVarString(g_CVarDamage, g_sDamage, sizeof(g_sDamage));
    HookConVarChange(g_CVarDamage, CVarChange);
    GetConVarString(g_CVarHSDamage, g_sHSDamage, sizeof(g_sHSDamage));
    HookConVarChange(g_CVarHSDamage, CVarChange);
    g_bTrail = GetConVarBool(g_CVarTrail);
    HookConVarChange(g_CVarTrail, CVarChange);
    g_bNoBlock = GetConVarBool(g_CVarNoBlock);
    HookConVarChange(g_CVarNoBlock, CVarChange);
    g_iDisplay = GetConVarInt(g_CVarDisplay);
    HookConVarChange(g_CVarDisplay, CVarChange);
    g_bDev = GetConVarBool(g_CVarEnableDev);
    HookConVarChange(g_CVarEnableDev, CVarChange);

    AutoExecConfig(true, "throwingknives");

    g_hLethalArray = CreateArray();
    g_hKTForward = CreateGlobalForward("OnKnifeThrow", ET_Event, Param_Cell);
    g_hKHForward = CreateGlobalForward("OnKnifeHit", ET_Event, Param_Cell, Param_Cell, Param_Cell);
    g_hKKForward = CreateGlobalForward("OnPostKnifeKill", ET_Event, Param_Cell, Param_Cell, Param_Cell);

    HookEvent("round_start", EventRoundStart, EventHookMode_PostNoCopy);
    HookEvent("player_spawn", EventPlayerSpawn);
    HookEvent("weapon_fire", EventWeaponFire);
    HookEvent("player_death", EventPlayerDeath, EventHookMode_Pre);
    HookEvent("player_hurt", EventPlayerHurt, EventHookMode_Pre);

public CVarChange(Handle:convar, const String:oldValue[], const String:newValue[]) {

    if ((convar == g_CVarEnable) && (StringToInt(newValue) == 1)) {
        if (g_iPointHurt == -1)
        for (new i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
            g_iKnives[i] = GetConVarInt(g_CVarKnives);
    else if (convar == g_CVarVelocity)
        g_fVelocity = (1000.0 + (250.0 * StringToFloat(newValue)));
    else if (convar == g_CVarDamage)
        strcopy(g_sDamage, sizeof(g_sDamage), newValue);
    else if (convar == g_CVarHSDamage)
        strcopy(g_sHSDamage, sizeof(g_sHSDamage), newValue);
    else if (convar == g_CVarTrail)
        g_bTrail = GetConVarBool(g_CVarTrail);
    else if (convar == g_CVarNoBlock)
        g_bNoBlock = GetConVarBool(g_CVarNoBlock);
    else if (convar == g_CVarDisplay)
        g_iDisplay = GetConVarInt(g_CVarDisplay);
    else if (convar == g_CVarEnableDev)
        g_bDev = GetConVarBool(g_CVarNoBlock);

public OnMapStart() {

    g_iKnifeMI = PrecacheModel(KNIFE_MDL);
    g_iTrailMI = PrecacheModel(TRAIL_MDL);

public EventRoundStart(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast) {

    g_iPointHurt = -1;
    g_iEnvBlood = -1;
    if (GetConVarBool(g_CVarEnable))

public EventPlayerSpawn(Handle:event,const String:name[],bool:dontBroadcast) {

    if (GetConVarBool(g_CVarEnable)) {
        new client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid"));
        g_iKnives[client] = GetConVarInt(g_CVarKnives);

public EventWeaponFire(Handle:event,const String:name[],bool:dontBroadcast) { // only fires for primary attack

    if (GetConVarBool(g_CVarEnable)) {
        new client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid"));
        static String:sWeapon[32];
        GetEventString(event, "weapon", sWeapon, sizeof(sWeapon));
        if (!IsFakeClient(client) && StrEqual(sWeapon, "knife") && (g_iKnives[client] > 0))

public EventPlayerHurt(Handle:event,const String:name[],bool:dontBroadcast) { // Checking for left click knifings that should be throwing knives instead

      if (GetConVarBool(g_CVarEnable)) {
        decl String:checkWeapon[32];
        GetEventString(event, "weapon", checkWeapon, sizeof(checkWeapon));
        if (!StrEqual(checkWeapon, "knife")){
        new attacker = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "attacker"));
        new victim = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid"));
        // Check to make client is real, used a knife, has throwing knives left, and performed an attack that did less than 30hp of damage (prevents right clicks from getting extra damage)
        if (!IsFakeClient(attacker) && StrEqual(checkWeapon, "knife") && (g_iKnives[attacker] > 0) && GetEventInt(event, "dmg_health") <30) {
            if (IsValidEntity(g_iPointHurt)) {
                        static Float:fAttPos[3];
                        GetClientAbsOrigin(attacker, fAttPos);
                        DispatchKeyValue(victim, "targetname", "hurt");
                        DispatchKeyValue(g_iPointHurt, "Damage", g_sDamage);
                        DispatchKeyValue(g_iPointHurt, "classname", "weapon_tknife");
                        TeleportEntity(g_iPointHurt, fAttPos, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR);
                        AcceptEntityInput(g_iPointHurt, "Hurt", attacker);
                        DispatchKeyValue(g_iPointHurt, "classname", "point_hurt");
                        DispatchKeyValue(victim, "targetname", "nohurt");
                        if (IsValidEntity(g_iEnvBlood)){
                            AcceptEntityInput(g_iEnvBlood, "EmitBlood", victim);
                        KnifeCount(attacker, --g_iKnives[attacker]);
public EventPlayerDeath(Handle:event,const String:name[],bool:dontBroadcast) {

    if (GetConVarBool(g_CVarEnable)) {
        new victim = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid"));
        new attacker = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "attacker"));
        decl String:sWeapon[32];
        GetEventString(event, "weapon", sWeapon, sizeof(sWeapon));
        new bool:tknife = StrEqual(sWeapon, "tknife");
        new bool:tknifehs = StrEqual(sWeapon, "tknifehs");
        if (tknife || tknifehs) {
            // the event is pre-hooked,
            // setting the weapon string will change the icon used in the kill notification
            SetEventString(event, "weapon", "knife");
            if (g_bDev) {
                // since i cant prevent the victim from dying at this point,
                // i dont care what the return value is
            if ((GetConVarInt(g_CVarSteal) > 1) && (GetClientTeam(attacker) != GetClientTeam(victim)))
                KnifeCount(attacker, (g_iKnives[attacker] = (g_iKnives[attacker] + g_iKnives[victim])));
        else if (StrEqual(sWeapon, "knife") && (GetConVarInt(g_CVarSteal) > 0) && (GetClientTeam(attacker) != GetClientTeam(victim)))
            KnifeCount(attacker, (g_iKnives[attacker] = (g_iKnives[attacker] + g_iKnives[victim])));

ThrowKnife(client) {

    // anybody care if this dude throws a knife?
    if (g_bDev) {
        new value;
        if (value != 0)

    static Float:fPos[3], Float:fAng[3], Float:fVel[3], Float:fPVel[3];
    GetClientEyePosition(client, fPos);
    // simple noblock fix. prevent throw if it will spawn inside another client
    if (g_bNoBlock && IsClientIndex(GetTraceHullEntityIndex(fPos, client)))

    // create & spawn entity. set model & owner. set to kill itself OnUser1
    // calc & set spawn position, angle, velocity & spin
    // add to lethal knife array, teleport, add trial, ...
    new entity = CreateEntityByName("flashbang_projectile");
    if ((entity != -1) && DispatchSpawn(entity)) {
        SetEntityModel(entity, KNIFE_MDL);
        SetEntPropEnt(entity, Prop_Send, "m_hOwnerEntity", client);
        AcceptEntityInput(entity, "AddOutput");
        GetClientEyeAngles(client, fAng);
        GetAngleVectors(fAng, fVel, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR);
        ScaleVector(fVel, g_fVelocity);
        GetEntPropVector(client, Prop_Data, "m_vecVelocity", fPVel);
        AddVectors(fVel, fPVel, fVel);
        SetEntPropVector(entity, Prop_Data, "m_vecAngVelocity", g_fSpin);
        SetEntPropFloat(entity, Prop_Send, "m_flElasticity", 0.2);
        PushArrayCell(g_hLethalArray, entity);
        TeleportEntity(entity, fPos, fAng, fVel);
        KnifeCount(client, --g_iKnives[client]);
        if (g_bTrail) {
            TE_SetupBeamFollow(entity, g_iTrailMI, 0, 0.7, 7.7, 7.7, 3, TRAIL_COLOR);

public Action:SoundsHook(clients[64], &numClients, String:sample[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH], &entity, &channel, &Float:volume, &level, &pitch, &flags) {

    if (GetConVarBool(g_CVarEnable) && StrEqual(sample, "weapons/flashbang/grenade_hit1.wav", false)) {
        new index = FindValueInArray(g_hLethalArray, entity);
        if (index != -1) {
            volume = 0.2;
            RemoveFromArray(g_hLethalArray, index); // delethalize on first bounce
            new attacker = GetEntPropEnt(entity, Prop_Send, "m_hOwnerEntity");
            static Float:fKnifePos[3], Float:fAttPos[3], Float:fVicEyePos[3];
            GetEntPropVector(entity, Prop_Data, "m_vecOrigin", fKnifePos);
            new victim = GetTraceHullEntityIndex(fKnifePos, attacker);
            if (IsClientIndex(victim) && IsClientInGame(attacker)) {
                if (GetConVarBool(g_CVarFF) || (GetClientTeam(victim) != GetClientTeam(attacker))) {
                    GetClientAbsOrigin(attacker, fAttPos);
                    GetClientEyePosition(victim, fVicEyePos);
                    EmitAmbientSound(KNIFEHIT_SOUND, fKnifePos, victim, SNDLEVEL_NORMAL, _, 0.8);
                    // HURT!
                    if (IsValidEntity(g_iPointHurt)) {
                        new bool:headShot = (FloatAbs(fKnifePos[2] - fVicEyePos[2]) < 4.7) ? true : false;
                        // last chance to stop this thing were doing
                        if (g_bDev) {
                            new value;
                            if (value != 0)
                                return Plugin_Changed;
                        DispatchKeyValue(victim, "targetname", "hurt");
                        DispatchKeyValue(g_iPointHurt, "Damage", (headShot) ? g_sHSDamage : g_sDamage);
                        DispatchKeyValue(g_iPointHurt, "classname", (headShot) ? "weapon_tknifehs" : "weapon_tknife");
                        TeleportEntity(g_iPointHurt, fAttPos, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR);
                        AcceptEntityInput(g_iPointHurt, "Hurt", attacker);
                        DispatchKeyValue(g_iPointHurt, "classname", "point_hurt");
                        DispatchKeyValue(victim, "targetname", "nohurt");
                        AcceptEntityInput(entity, "DispatchEffect");
                        if (IsValidEntity(g_iEnvBlood))
                            AcceptEntityInput(g_iEnvBlood, "EmitBlood", victim);
            else // didn't hit a player, kill itself in a few seconds
                AcceptEntityInput(entity, "FireUser1");
            return Plugin_Changed;
        else if (GetEntProp(entity, Prop_Send, "m_nModelIndex") == g_iKnifeMI) {
            volume = 0.2;
            return Plugin_Changed;
    return Plugin_Continue;

GetTraceHullEntityIndex(Float:pos[3], xindex) {

    TR_TraceHullFilter(pos, pos, g_fMinS, g_fMaxS, MASK_SHOT, THFilter, xindex);
    return TR_GetEntityIndex();

public bool:THFilter(entity, contentsMask, any:data) {

    return IsClientIndex(entity) && (entity != data);

bool:IsClientIndex(index) {

    return (index > 0) && (index <= MaxClients);

KnifeCount(client, count) {

    if (IsClientInGame(client)) {
        switch (g_iDisplay) {
            case 1: // Hint
                PrintHintText(client, COUNT_TXT, count);
            case 2: { // Key Hint
                static String:sBuffer[64];
                Format(sBuffer, 64, COUNT_TXT, count);
                new Handle:hKHT = StartMessageOne("KeyHintText", client);
                BfWriteByte(hKHT, 1);
                BfWriteString(hKHT, sBuffer);

CreateEnts() {

    if (((g_iPointHurt = CreateEntityByName("point_hurt")) != -1) && DispatchSpawn(g_iPointHurt)) {
        DispatchKeyValue(g_iPointHurt, "DamageTarget", "hurt");
        DispatchKeyValue(g_iPointHurt, "DamageType", "0");
    if (((g_iEnvBlood = CreateEntityByName("env_blood")) != -1) && DispatchSpawn(g_iEnvBlood)) {
        DispatchKeyValue(g_iEnvBlood, "spawnflags", "13");
        DispatchKeyValue(g_iEnvBlood, "amount", "1000");

public NativeSetClientThrowingKnives(Handle:plugin, numParams) {

    new client = GetNativeCell(1);
    new num = GetNativeCell(2);
    KnifeCount(client, g_iKnives[client] = num);

public NativeGetClientThrowingKnives(Handle:plugin, numParams) {

    new client = GetNativeCell(1);
    return g_iKnives[client];
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