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Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Serbia
Old 10-15-2011 , 15:28   Played time, auto slot
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I'm having a weird problem, random player steam id-s are writen in slot.ini
after map change
Any idea what's causing this?
Cvar is set to 50 hours.

#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <nvault>
#include <hamsandwich>
#include <time_length>

#define PRUNE_TIME 2592000

new Trie:g_tSteamIDs;
new g_SlotFile[64], g_TotalTime[33];
new cvar_timer, g_cached_time;
new g_iMsgID_SayText, g_Vault;

public plugin_init() 
	register_plugin("Slot Time", "1.0","Alka/OvidiuS");
	register_cvar("slottime" , "1.0" , (FCVAR_SERVER|FCVAR_SPONLY))
	register_event("HLTV", "NewRound", "a", "1=0", "2=0");
	RegisterHam(Ham_Spawn, "player", "fwHamPlayerSpawnPost", 1)
	register_clcmd("say /online", "TimeOnline")
	cvar_timer = register_cvar("amx_slot_time", "50")
	g_iMsgID_SayText = get_user_msgid( "SayText" );
	new configsDir[64] 
	get_configsdir(configsDir, charsmax(configsDir))
	formatex(g_SlotFile, charsmax(g_SlotFile), "%s/slot.ini", configsDir) 
	g_tSteamIDs = TrieCreate();
	if( !file_exists(g_SlotFile) ) 
		new f = fopen(g_SlotFile, "wt" );
		if( f ) 
			fclose( f );
	new f = fopen( g_SlotFile, "rt" );
	if( !f )
	while( !feof( f ) )
		new szData[200];
		fgets( f , szData , charsmax( szData ) );
		if( !szData[0] || szData[0] == ';' || szData[0] == '/' && szData[1] == '/' ) 
		new szParsedName[33], szParsedID[35];
		parse(szData, szParsedID, charsmax(szParsedID), szParsedName, charsmax(szParsedName))

		TrieSetCell( g_tSteamIDs , szParsedID , 1 );
	fclose( f );	

public plugin_cfg()
	g_Vault = nvault_open("Time_played")
	if ( g_Vault == INVALID_HANDLE )
		set_fail_state( "Error opening nVault" );
	nvault_prune(g_Vault, 0, get_systime() - PRUNE_TIME);

public TimeOnline(id)
	new timep, szTotalTime[128];
	timep = get_user_time(id, 1);
	get_time_length(id, timep+g_TotalTime[id], timeunit_seconds, szTotalTime, charsmax(szTotalTime));
	set_hudmessage(0, 255, 0, 0.34, 0.50, 0, 6.0, 4.0, 0.1, 0.2, -1);
	show_hudmessage(id, "[PT] %L", id, "TIME_TOTAL_HUD", szTotalTime);
	ChatColor(id, "^4[PT] ^1%L", id, "TIME_TOTAL_HUD", szTotalTime)
public fwHamPlayerSpawnPost(id) 
	if(!is_user_alive(id) || is_user_admin(id))
	new timep;
	timep = get_user_time(id, 1);
	if(timep+g_TotalTime[id] >= g_cached_time)
		new szSteamID[ 35 ];
		get_user_authid( id , szSteamID , charsmax( szSteamID ) );
		if(!TrieKeyExists( g_tSteamIDs , szSteamID ))
			new szWriteData[200], szName[33], szTotalTime[128];
			get_user_name(id, szName, charsmax(szName))
			get_time_length(id, timep+g_TotalTime[id], timeunit_seconds, szTotalTime, charsmax(szTotalTime));
			TrieSetCell( g_tSteamIDs , szSteamID , 1 ); 
			ChatColor(id, "^4[PT] ^1%L", id, "TIME_ONLINE", szTotalTime)
			format(szWriteData, charsmax(szWriteData), "^"%s^"	^"^"	^"b^"	^"ce^" // %s", szSteamID, szName)
			write_file(g_SlotFile, szWriteData)

public NewRound()
	g_cached_time = get_pcvar_num(cvar_timer)*60*60

public client_disconnect(id)
	g_TotalTime[id] = g_TotalTime[id] + get_user_time(id);
	SaveTime(id, g_TotalTime[id]);

public client_putinserver(id)
	g_TotalTime[id] = LoadTime(id);

public LoadTime( id ) 
	new szSteamID[35];
	new vaultkey[128], vaultdata[128];
	get_user_authid(id, szSteamID, charsmax( szSteamID ));
	formatex(vaultkey, charsmax(vaultkey), "TIMEPLAYED%s", szSteamID);
	nvault_get(g_Vault, vaultkey, vaultdata, charsmax(vaultdata));
	return str_to_num(vaultdata);

public SaveTime(id,PlayedTime)
	new szSteamID[35];
	new vaultkey[128], vaultdata[128];
	formatex(vaultdata, charsmax(vaultdata), "%d", PlayedTime); 
	get_user_authid(id, szSteamID, charsmax( szSteamID ));
	formatex(vaultkey, charsmax(vaultkey), "TIMEPLAYED%s", szSteamID); 
	nvault_set(g_Vault, vaultkey, vaultdata);

public plugin_end()

stock ChatColor(const id, const input[], any:...)
	new count = 1, players[32]
	static msg[191]
	vformat(msg, 190, input, 3)
	replace_all(msg, 190, "!g", "^4") // Green Color
	replace_all(msg, 190, "!y", "^1") // Default Color
	replace_all(msg, 190, "!t", "^3") // Team Color
	if (id) players[0] = id; else get_players(players, count, "ch")
		for (new i = 0; i < count; i++)
			if (is_user_connected(players[i]))
				message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, g_iMsgID_SayText, _, players[i])
i already edited admin.amxx
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