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Join Date: Jan 2004
Old 09-22-2005 , 04:02   AMX Mod X 1.60 Released!

I'm pleased to announce the immediate availability of AMX Mod X 1.60! This is mostly a bug-fix release, fixing many known issues from the 1.50 chain and introducing a few delicious, chocolately new features.

This release includes better compile-time optimization for Linux, compiler fixes, vast new plugin debugging features, client-cvar querying, and more!

You can download the binaries from the AMX Mod X Downloads Page, or from our SourceForge project at:

The Web Compiler will continue to be for 1.01 for at least another few days until we're sure that plugin authors have had enough time to let us know of any backward compatibility issues.

Thanks to Faluco for his tedious and gracious work this release! He has reformatted all the files still formatted in "OLO" style to the AMX Mod X coding standards. Readability is now much better!

Full Changelog:
    * Plugins can now query/retrieve client-side cvars (for example, to enforce CVAR rules).
    * Plugins can now use modules and natives without them being loaded. For example, plmenu will use the cstrike module only if it's available, and no recompile is necessary.
    * Plugins can now handle their own errors and look at their own debug traces.
    * Rewrote the debugger from scratch and, in some cases, greatly improved error message output.
    * Numerous other warnings and compiler bugs were removed and/or fixed in this release.
    * Fixed many bugs in AMXx Studio (bringing it to version 1.2).
    * Faluco has reformatted every single original, OLOcode AMX Mod X source code file to be readable! This was a herculean task and we thank him for his time.
    * Made some final improvements to Linux optimization flags.
    * Added is_string_num() (thanks azrael!)
    * Added abs() (requested by Brad Jones)
    * Language files can now have comments with ; or //
    * amx_addadmin in admin.sma will now also add to the SQL database if available (thanks Lazarus Long!)
    * Improved parameters to amx_addadmin so more admin types can be added (thanks Lazarus Long!)
    * Fixed nvault_open() crashing after nvault_close was called on the same file (atambo).
    * Fixed Linux compiler not being able to run from any directory (Lazarus Long).
    * Fixed get_distance_f not being in (Greenberet).
    * Fixed trim() function not removing whitespace properly (karlos).
    * Fixed many bugs in the compiler preprocessor and macro preprocessor.
    * Fixed bug in compiler where array indexes were improperly tag-checked.
    * Fixed various array bugs in register_native default style (Lord of Destruction).
    * Fixed dod_get_map_info breaking after a mapchange (FireStorm)..
    * Fixed/rewrote find_ent_by_model in Engine.
    * Fixed MySQL crashing on null fields (And One).
    * Fixed listen servers not getting admin access (jtp10181).
    * Fixed crash bugs in MySQL when querying and caching field names (Striker).
    * Fixed more memory deallocation mismatches with plugins (Zenith77).
    * Fixed get_user_gravity not returning a Float (vittu).
    * Fixed MySQL module not conforming to DBI, causing memory leaks and crashes.
    * Fixed build process and various minor errors in SQLite module (thanks Lazarus Long!)
    * Fixed AMXXRelease releasing no config files on Linux (Gonzo).
    * Fixed permissions problems with AMXXRelease on Linux (hondaman, Arnold).
    * Fixed/reverted functionality of stopping plugins for amx_pausecfg.
    * Fixed plmenu (Player Menu) not swapping or displaying teams correctly after Steam update (KWo)
    * Fixed name clashes in TSFun and TSX modules (Twilight Suzuka).
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