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Old 07-24-2011 , 21:08   Re: Proper explosion damage
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Originally Posted by urban_ninja View Post
Locking that thread was uncalled for. See this is a prime example of a major turn off from coming to these forums for help. Just because someone doesn't know how something is done don't make it right to cut them off and lock the topic. All your doing is preventing someone from learning more in amxx scripting. May I remind you this is the scripting help forum... How is anyone supposed to learn more if the have to stick to what they know?

I have tried that so many times its not even worth the bother. Every plugin request I have ever made is either never answer or rejected. Which is why I decided to try and learn amxx scripting in the first place. I have gotten farther trying to make plugins versus requesting them.

So what if im only a natural in mapping and not code writing but its not like I don't want to learn how to code so I don't have to depend on anyone for making a plugin, Because just requesting plugins seems to get nowhere.

I'm going to give my blunt opinion about this place even if it bans me because it wouldn't make a damn bit of difference considering my last remaining motive for coming here is completely gone now. So I have 1 thing to say if you ban me. I just don't give a fuck.

Almost everyone here are complete rude ass holes especially the people who run this place who inflict unreasonable decisions upon a member. The help here is grossly discouraging. I don't know what the hell the plugin approver is thinking when approving plugins that have bugs and broken features. Dealing with plugin coders are just down and out right aggravating in requesting plugins or trying to learn code from them you don't understand in hope to later on do things your self because no one wants to make your plugin. You guys here are absolute dicks. You guys make it a catch 22 when someone has an idea and wants it to be more than just an idea.
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