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Join Date: Jun 2007
Old 04-15-2011 , 02:22   Re: Todays TF2 update = MM:S / SM broken

I have seen enough valve updates in the last year to see the trend of how this update is going to turn out. It looks like it will be like 10 hours at minimum before everything is fixed and as I can not start my servers back up until everything is I guess I will just call it a night and get it done after school.

This is why I wish I lived in a world where:
1) valve released updates at a reasonable time in the day so that people are awake to fix their servers and plugins. (this is under the assumption that most servers and programers are in the US and western Europe)
2) valve gave us a heads up so we can schedule time in advanced for the update. Something like next X day we will release an update at X time so be ready and here is what will be changed.

A big thanks to all you coders who are hard at work at this very moment trying to fix the game. If only valve realized that it is hard workers like you who make this game so great perhaps they would be more considerate about the manor in which they update it.
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