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Join Date: Mar 2011
Old 03-17-2011 , 19:50   Re: L4DToolZ Metamod plugin (l4d1 & l4d2)
Reply With Quote #882

Originally Posted by commandertediz View Post
I'm getting very tired of mods not being written with proper installation instructions. If you build a mod, you are responsible to provide clear installation instructions so as to avoid any issues with people using your mod.

I mean how hard can it be? It looks like your L4DToolz is not loading at all, so type meta list to see if it is loaded, I think not. Do you even have metamod installed btw?

You say you're a server admin, you don't look like one because troubleshooting this is so easy and that's something you don't seem to manage, so type meta list, if that gives an error install metamod. If it still doesn't work after that check if u have these files:

l4dtoolz.vdf goes into addons/metamod goes into addons/l4dtoolz (or dll for windows).
l4dtoolz.txt goes into addons/ldtoolz/gamedata

That's it! I don't see what would be so hard about this, the installation instructions are pretty clear to me:

extract files form zip files to addons folder, you need to have pre-installed metamod source(1.7 or 1.8 for l4d1 and 1.8 for l4d2)
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