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AMX Mod X Moderator
Join Date: Aug 2005
Old 08-11-2005 , 17:24   uSurf v5.2 (Formerly Surf Management / Tools)
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This mod is designed to assist in the running of a surf server. It has many features, including:
  • Surfing help display
  • Auto respawning
  • Automatic cvar execution (surf.cfg executed whenever surf map is loaded)
  • Semiclip (players can pass through each other)
  • Gun restricting (players can either use guns only when they leave the spawn, not at all, or all the time)
  • Remove the functionality of the BOOM button
  • Remove dropped guns
  • Checkpoints
  • God mode
  • Timers
  • Team stacking
  • Bunnyhopping
In your amxx.cfg, add the following cvars:
// This is whether the mod should be enabled or disabled
// as of 4.1, the mod has gone back to the style of on
// only working if on a surf map. This makes it safe to
// add usurf_on <value> to a config file now.
// Options: 0 - Off, 1 - On
usurf_on 1

// This is whether or not users will be respawned. It is a really good
// idea to leave this on, I don't know if it even works without it
// Options: 0 - Off, 1 - On
usurf_respawn 1

// This is whether or not the surf.cfg file in your ./configs/ dir should be
// executed when a surf map is loaded, or not
// Options: 0 - Off, 1 - On
usurf_autocvars 1

// This is whether or not help should be allowed.
// When someone types /surfhelp, this will tell them information about
// surfing, if it is on.
// Options: 0 - Off, 1 - On
usurf_help 1

// This is how often the help message ("say /surfhelp for help") should
// be displayed in seconds
usurf_help_interval 60.0

// This is whether guns should be allowed or not, as well as how allowed
// they should be.
// Options: 0 - Off, 1 - Allowed when leave spawn
//              2 - Forced drop of all guns, 3 - Strip all guns
usurf_noguns 1

// This is whether or not to remove the "BOOM" button's capability
// of killing people.
// Options: 0 - Off, 1 - On
usurf_remove_button 1

// This is whether or not dropped guns should be removed
// Options: 0 - Off, 1 - On
usurf_remove_dropped 1

// If surf_noguns is 1, this determines how far away from the spawn
// a user must be before allowed to use guns again.
// Options: any whole number, 0 to disable
usurf_spawn_dist 500

// This is whether or not semiclip should be enabled. Semiclip is
// kind of like noclip, except you can't fly. Basically, you pass through
// other players.
// Options: 0 - Off, 1 - On
usurf_semiclip 1

// This is for the checkpoint system. This allows you to move 
// back to the place you died, while keeping the same 
// velocity (speed) and direction that you saved it at.
// Options: 0 - Off, 1 - On
usurf_checkpoint 1
// This is how long you must wait between saving / going
// between checkpoints.
// Options: 0-infinite
usurf_checkpoint_delay 20

// Team stacking. This allows you to move all players to one team.
// Options: 0 (no stacking), 1 (terrorists), 2 (counter-terrorists)
usurf_teamstack 0

// Bunnyhopping. This removes the delay after jumping.
// Options: 0 - Off, 1 - On
usurf_bunnyhop 1

// Bunnyhopping autojump. This allows you to automatically
// continue bunnyhopping.
// Options: 0 - Off, 1 - On
usurf_bunnyhop_autojump 1

// Timer. This allows players to say /timer and get a timer menu.
// Options: 0 - Off, 1 - On
usurf_timer 1

// x HUD position of the timer.
// Options: -1.0 (far left) - 1.0 (far right)
usurf_timer_x 0.8

// y HUD position of the timer.
// Options: -1.0 (top) - 1.0 (bottom)
usurf_timer_y -0.8

// Redness of HUD display for timer.
// Options: 0 (no red) - 255 (full red)
usurf_timer_r 0

// Greenness of HUD display for timer.
// Options: 0 (no green) - 255 (full green)
usurf_timer_g 0

// Blueness of HUD display for timer.
// Options: 0 (no blue) - 255 (full blue)
usurf_timer_b 255

// Godmode. Users can still die by falling on stuff, but knife hits,
// gun hits, or any other hits will be blocked.
usurf_godmode 0
Note that a file called surf.cfg will be created in your ./configs/ directory after the first load. In this file, add any options you want to be run on surf maps.

Here is a surf map pack if you are just getting into surfing:

Downloads: +6921
Attached Files
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Last edited by Hawk552; 03-18-2007 at 12:29. Reason: Updated to v5.2
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