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Old 12-11-2010 , 09:04   Royal AntiCheat project
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I just create this post, because I need translations for the website of the Royal-AntiCheat ( called R-AC ) project.

What's R-AC ?

R-AC is an non-amxx anticheat. It's beeing develloped. The R-AC's staff is composed of about ten members. There are linux devellopers, webmasters ( i'm one of them ), demo-viewers, HL engine specialists etc.

Why is that special ?

It's being develloped for the moment on the HL1 engine ( dod, CS1.6, CZ ) but I will be also developped on the HL2 engine ( TF2, HL2DM, CSS, L4D ). The anticheat is composed of a server-side plugin ( metamod will be required for HL1 mods ), and also a client software. You will not have to run the client software, unless if you are in the blacklist ( like the UFBCOM's anticheat system ). We also have sources of private hacks ( *names censored* ), so it will be possible to do a reverse engineering, and detect these cheats. We are going to make three versions of the anticheat : A test version ( for members to test, without getting banned ), a LAN version, and a "normal" version, all downloadable on our website. Like the SteamBans' system, you will be able to denounce cheater's records, and they will maybe get banned.

What do I need for the moment ?

The landing page of the website is ready, and I make an auto-traduction system. I just need traductions.
Please translate what is written in large characters please.

//English [EN]
define("ERR_MSG1", "The field is empty !");
define("ERR_MSG2", "This e-mail address is already in our database !");
define("ERR_MSG3", "You did not enter a valid e-mail address !");
define("ERR_MSG4", "You have already posted an email address. Try again in ".htmlspecialchars($_GET['time'])." seconds.");
define("ERR_MSG0", "E-mail added. Thanks.");
define("ARG1_H1", "A powerfull STAFF");
define("ARG1_TEXT", "Our staff is composed of ten members, each with its specialty : webmasters, linux developers, specialists of the <em>Half-Life</em> engine, demo-viewers ...");
define("ARG2_H1", "A server-side plugin, and a client software");
define("ARG2_TEXT", "To guarantee a certain efficiency, the anticheat is composed of a server-side plugin, and client software that will detect the cheats that the plugin has not detected. With that, \"bye-bye cheaters\" !");
define("ARG3_H1", "An internationnal support");
define("ARG3_TEXT", "To the delight of all, the site will be adapted into about twenty languages, all translated perfectly. What more ?");
define("FOLLOW", "Follow us on :");
define("FIRST_H1", "AntiCheat for Counter-Strike games ( Steam version )");
define("UNDER_FIRST_H1", "Royal-AntiCheat is coming soon... The end of cheat is near !...");
define("MAIL_INPUT", "Enter your e-mail address...");
define("SUBMIT", "Be warned !");
define("WHY_POST", "Why post my email ?");
define("WHY_POST_TEXT", "You can post your e-mail. At the site's opening, you will receive an ( and only one ) email from us containing news etc.<br /> Your email address will not be kept after the site's opening.");
Actual website :

Avalaible languages :
French -> Me
English -> Me
Dutch -> drekes
Spanish -> juan2394 & fixed by niqo
Polish -> Naven
Serbian -> Rosenstein
Romanian -> stelistcristi
German -> xOR
Brazilian Portuguese -> .MMYTH.

Best regards

PS : If you found errors in my english traduction, feel free to tell it to me.

Thanks a lot !

Last edited by teol; 11-20-2011 at 03:48.
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