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Join Date: Jul 2010
Old 11-03-2010 , 19:27   Re: [TF2Items] Give Weapon (v1., 10/30/2010)
Reply With Quote #11

Oinkie, the tf2items.weapons.txt does NOT touch Give Weapon. All the weapons in Give Weapon are hardcoded to the plugin itself. What that config txt file thing does is, for tf2items_manager (a separate plugin), it makes a list of players' weapons that it should modify. So if you put in code for changing somebody's wrench to make people golden, then that person, if they use the wrench, will turn people golden.
Reloading the items list basically reloads that file, meaning it re-applies whatever is in that file to the game. Doesn't interact with giveweapon at all.
Like I said, I'm planning to add some type of keyvalues support for custom weapons.
Meaning it will have its own config file.

Also, "Reloading items list" is the confirmation.

Again, tf2items_manager and tf2items_giveweapon are two separate plugins. manager uses that config file to determine what to change on spawn, while giveweapon gives weapons with specific attributes (which are in the plugin not in a config)

@TheKisho I'll add /giveme commands that are toggleable by a cvar.
Bread EOTL GunMettle Invasion Jungle Inferno 64-bit will break everything. Don't even ask.

All plugins: Randomizer/GiveWeapon, ModelManager, etc.
Post in plugin threads with questions.
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Last edited by FlaminSarge; 11-03-2010 at 19:29.
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