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Old 04-17-2010 , 20:17   Re: Switch between solid Models and not solid
Reply With Quote #18

Originally Posted by Gh0$t View Post
Okay thats good!
Why you dont write exactly that to me as a solution?^^
Trial and error is the least time-consuming method.

Try the methods people are posting out. If they works, then great. If they don't, then try something else. Everybody who's posted here has tried to help you from their experience. I'm pretty sure they don't want to hold your hand and walk you through each little step, or even worse, do it for you.

Figuring stuff out for yourself will serve you well if you ever get into the much more versatile C++ side of SourceMod, or MetaMod: Source, where you're pretty much on your own as far as figuring out how to do stuff such as, well, basically everything.

If I were you, I'd write test plugins incorporating the knowledge of the people who have posted here to see for yourself. Don't expect other people to do your work for you, so you can claim credit for it later.

Again, the only way you're going to achieve success is trial and error. If it doesn't work, can it. If it does, then post back with your results and what you did so people searching for this in the future have a reference. Better yet, make a post saying what effect each collision group seems to have on the entity.
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