Thread: amxbans 4.0
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Join Date: Apr 2004
Old 04-19-2004 , 03:38  

Originally Posted by ymboc
Was that *really* necessary?

The amx_find command was referenced because it peforms a similar query to that which the plugin produces everytime a user connects.

So any lag you might see in a amx_find command is approximately what you'd see during a player's connect phase. That is why I mentioned amx_find in the mentioned thread.

As I said before this doesnt make the game unplayable (the effect may be unnoticable) but it does introduce lag - particularly if the query takes a long time to complete.

as far as the feasiblity is concerned.... afaik mthread is not yet supported by amxmodx (baliopan mentioned some issues in a thread somewhere).... amxmod of course is another story.
I'm sorry to say so but those are my findings. the only time my server lags is when I spam it with amx_find queries, the same thing would happen when somebody spams it with say events. The key being here, don't spam your server.

The admin query is only executed when the plugin is loaded and the ban query is only executed when somebody connects. Both YoMama and me run very active servers, whe get a lot of connect request even when the server is full. Our servers get hammered alot but we do not seem to have this problem.

Both the admin query and the connect query are relatively simple queries which any SQL server shouldn't have a problem executing. The amx_find query however is complex because it uses the FIND statement.

The only time my server started to lags is when I connected it to my MySQL server here at home and then spammed it with find queries.

Placing stuff in threads isn't feasebile at all. If you have a suggestion on howto do it then be my guest but it won't help along a single bit. If you spam your server then it's going to lag.
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