Thread: amxbans 4.0
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Join Date: Apr 2004
Old 04-19-2004 , 03:29  

Originally Posted by BigBaller
If you think im being uptight then you have a lot to learn about me. I just point something simple out. Common sense is far greater then no sense at all, I pointed something out and used common sense.
Common sense ey? Common sense is something, my friend, you seem to lack as you seem to still not grasp the concept of sarcasm. Yes my friend, if you would've used your common sense then you would've known that infact I've been making fun ofyou all the time, but your common sense seems to fail you on that point as you still do not get it.

To get technical on your arse, as that seems to be the only language you understand. Nowhere in the rules does it say that the original author of a plugin isn't allowed to put his/her own name in the thread topic. Now where does common sense come in here?

If you would've used your common sense then you would've know that it doesn't matter at all wether his name is or isn't in the title and you would've kept your mouth shut.

Common sense, yeah sure!
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