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Join Date: Jan 2010
Old 01-25-2010 , 12:49   Re: [L4D2] Loot of Zombies
Reply With Quote #12

I'm Back... sorry for double posting....
I've update to l4d2_loot.sp and l4d2_autodifficuly.sp.
and put yer loot.cfg into cfg folder and exec it from within server.cfg
I had to prefix all the convars with "sm_cvar" for them to run.

I added these convars to my server config:
//Loot of Zombie
l4d2_loot_version              //plugin version
sm_cvar l4d2_loot 1              //0/1 - off/on plugin
sm_cvar l4d2_loot_from_players 0     //0/1 - drops (or not) items from real players (not bots)
sm_cvar l4d2_loot_scavenge_gascans 0     //0/1 - drops (or not) gascans on scavenge
sm_cvar l4d2_loot_survival_defibs 0     //0/1 - drops (or not) defibs on survival
sm_cvar l4d2_loot_g_chance_nodrop 0    //- global chance to no-drop
sm_cvar l4d2_loot_h_drop_items 1      //- how many items hunter will drop after his death
sm_cvar l4d2_loot_b_drop_items 1      //- how many items boomer will drop after his death
sm_cvar l4d2_loot_c_drop_items 1      //- how many items charger will drop after his death
sm_cvar l4d2_loot_sp_drop_items 1      //- how many items spitter will drop after his death
sm_cvar l4d2_loot_j_drop_items 1      //- how many items jockey will drop after his death
sm_cvar l4d2_loot_t_drop_items 1    //-how many items tank will drop after his death

exec l4d2_loot
Now I am getting this error in sourcemod:

L 01/25/2010 - 12:16:03: SourceMod error session started
L 01/25/2010 - 12:16:03: Info (map "c2m3_coaster") (file "errors_20100125.log")
L 01/25/2010 - 12:16:03: [SM] Native "GetClientAuthString" reported: Client index 0 is invalid
L 01/25/2010 - 12:16:03: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "l4d2_loot.smx":
L 01/25/2010 - 12:16:03: [SM]   [0]  Line 389, l4d2_loot.sp::Event_PlayerDeath()
L 01/25/2010 - 12:16:04: Error log file session closed.
how can I get rid of this error?

Last edited by satannuts; 01-25-2010 at 14:53.
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