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Join Date: Dec 2004
Old 04-11-2005 , 20:01   port my mod from amx to amxx so i can learn a lil.
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can any1 port this to amxx from amx? i need to learn some amxx coding as i know amx already.

#include <amxmod> #include <amxmisc> #include <VexdUM> new bool:is_enemy[33] public plugin_init() { register_plugin("Fun Mod","v1.0","Lil' P!mP") register_cvar("fm_enemytime","60") register_clcmd( "say funmenu","ShowMenu", -1, "Shows The menu" ) register_clcmd( "say_team funmenu","ShowMenu", -1, "Shows The menu" ) register_clcmd( "say_team /funmenu","ShowMenu", -1, "Shows The menu" ) register_clcmd( "say /funmenu","ShowMenu", -1, "Shows The menu" ) register_event("ResetHUD", "ShowMenu", "b") register_clcmd( "say /funmenu2","ShowMenu2", -2, "Shows The menu2" ) register_menucmd(register_menuid("\yFun Menu"), (1<<0|1<<1|1<<2|1<<3|1<<4|1<<5|1<<6|1<<7|1<<8|1<<9), "MenuCommand" ) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } public ShowMenu(id) { new szMenuBody[256] new keys new nLen = format(szMenuBody, 255, "\yFun Menu^n" ) nLen += format(szMenuBody[nLen], 255-nLen, "^n\w1. Invisibility - $10000" ) nLen += format(szMenuBody[nLen], 255-nLen, "^n\w2. Gravity 200 - $2000" ) nLen += format(szMenuBody[nLen], 255-nLen, "^n\w3. Gravity 800 - $2000" ) nLen += format(szMenuBody[nLen], 255-nLen, "^n\w4. Give me 500 hp - $8000" ) nLen += format(szMenuBody[nLen], 255-nLen, "^n\w5. Make me glow - $1000" ) nLen += format(szMenuBody[nLen], 255-nLen, "^n\w6. Buy Awp - $16000" ) nLen += format(szMenuBody[nLen], 255-nLen, "^n\w7. Buy g3sg1 - $16000" ) nLen += format(szMenuBody[nLen], 255-nLen, "^n\w8. Enemy look - $16000" ) nLen += format(szMenuBody[nLen], 255-nLen, "^n\w9. Buy NoClip - $13000" ) nLen += format(szMenuBody[nLen], 255-nLen, "^n^n\w0. Exit" ) keys = (1<<0|1<<1|1<<2|1<<3|1<<4|1<<5|1<<6|1<<7|1<<8|1<<9)     show_menu( id, keys, szMenuBody, -1 ) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } public MenuCommand(id, key) { switch( key )       { case 0: { new money=get_user_money(id) if(money<=9999){ client_print(id, print_chat, "[FUN MOD] You need 10000 to get invisibility") return PLUGIN_HANDLED } else{ new name[32], get_user_name(id,name,31) set_user_rendering(id,kRenderFxGlowShell, 0,0,0, kRenderTransAlpha,0) set_user_money(id, money-10000) client_print(id, print_chat, "[FUN MOD] You bought invisibility and you are now invisible for this round.") set_hudmessage(200, 50, 0, -1.0, 0.30, 0, 6.0, 6.0, 0.5, 0.15, 1) show_hudmessage(0,"%s bought invsibility! You better run for your life!", name) engclient_cmd(id,"drop",wname) engclient_cmd(id,"weapon_knife") } } case 1: { new money=get_user_money(id) if(money<=1999){ client_print(id, print_chat, "[FUN MOD] You need 2000 to have your gravity set to 200") return PLUGIN_HANDLED } else{ set_user_gravity(id, 0.25) set_user_money(id, money-2000) client_print(id, print_chat, "[FUN MOD] Your gravity is now 200 for this round") } } case 2: { new money=get_user_money(id) if(money<=1999){ client_print(id, print_chat, "[FUN MOD] You need 2000 to have your gravity set to 800") return PLUGIN_HANDLED } else{ set_user_gravity(id, 0.0) set_user_money(id, money-2000) client_print(id, print_chat, "[FUN MOD] Your gravity is now 800") } } case 3: { new money=get_user_money(id) if(money<=7999){ client_print(id, print_chat, "[FUN MOD] You need 8000 to have your health rise 500") return PLUGIN_HANDLED     } else{     set_user_health(id, 500)     set_user_money(id, money-8000)     client_print(id, print_chat, "[FUN MOD] You bought 500 health for this round only")     }     }     case 4:   { new money=get_user_money(id) if(money<=999){ client_print(id, print_chat, "[FUN MOD] You need 1000 to glow") return PLUGIN_HANDLED     } else{     set_user_money(id, money-1000)   set_user_rendering(id,kRenderFxGlowShell, 0,255,0, kRenderNormal,16)     client_print(id, print_chat, "[FUN MOD] You bought glow for this round only")     }     }   case 5:   { new money=get_user_money(id) if(money<=15999){ client_print(id, print_chat, "[FUN MOD] You need 16000 to buy AWP") return PLUGIN_HANDLED   } else{ give_item(id,"weapon_awp") give_item(id,"ammo_338magnum") give_item(id,"ammo_338magnum") give_item(id,"ammo_338magnum")     set_user_money(id, money-16000)     client_print(id, print_chat, "[FUN MOD] You bought AWP and you will have it until you die")     } } case 6: { new money=get_user_money(id) if(money<=15999){ client_print(id, print_chat, "[FUN MOD] You need 16000 to buy g3sg1") return PLUGIN_HANDLED } else{ give_item(id,"weapon_g3sg1") give_item(id,"ammo_762nato") give_item(id,"ammo_762nato") give_item(id,"ammo_762nato") set_user_money(id, money-16000) client_print(id, print_chat, "[FUN MOD] You bought g3sg1 and you will have it until you die") } } case 7: { new money=get_user_money(id) if(money<=15999){ client_print(id, print_chat, "[FUN MOD] You need 16000 to look like enemy") return PLUGIN_HANDLED } else{ new Float:enemy_time = get_cvar_float("mp_enemytime") new enemytime = get_cvar_num("mp_enemytime") new enemy_id[3] num_to_str(id,enemy_id,2) { if (get_user_team(id)==1) { CS_SetModel(id, "sas") } else { CS_SetModel(id, "arctic") } } is_enemy[id]=true set_task(enemy_time,"unenemy",1000+id,enemy_id,2) set_user_money(id, money-16000) client_print(id, print_chat, "[FUN MOD] You now look like enemy for %d seconds",enemytime) } } case 8: { new money=get_user_money(id) if(money<=12999){ client_print(id, print_chat, "[FUN MOD] You need 13000 to buy NoClip") return PLUGIN_HANDLED } else{ set_user_noclip(id, 1) set_user_money(id, money-13000) client_print(id, print_chat, "[FUN MOD] You bought NoClip for this round only") } }     case 9: client_print(id, print_console, "[FUN MOD] You exited the menu" )       } return PLUGIN_HANDLED } public unenemy(enemy_id[]) { new id = str_to_num(enemy_id) CS_ClearModel(id) client_print(id, print_chat, "[FUN MOD] You look like you should now") is_enemy[id]=false }
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