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Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Detroit, Michigan
Old 04-05-2005 , 15:10  
Reply With Quote #5

do i need another plugin to actually get this for the clients to download - or should i just drop it in my misc/ dir then setup the bgmlist.ini with misc/soundfile.mp3

it would be nice if this had another dir such as bgm/ for the custom files aside from the hl.mp3's then set it up to precache from that dir - im sorry about my ignorance with this - but its a ported amx .sma and the code isnt as good lookin as a new plugin its harder for me to follow what does what or what i need to change in the .sma to get it to do what i want. this would also be better if the .mp3's would LOOP so you dont have to goto the music menu over and over, just a thought

does anyone even understand what im talkin about?? lol
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