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Edison1318 07-01-2017 04:57

[L4D2] All 8 Survivors For Windows [20/9/2018]
3 Attachment(s)

Update [8/7/2018] : Thanks to Silvers for fixing Zoey's character. Now we no longer using unknown character or Fake Zoey to make her as Zoey :)
Update [31/7/2018] : Fix survivor change bug that it only change to zoey character.
Update [26/8/2018] : Added a new plugin to remove entities that used l4d1 survivors in The Passing
Update [20/9/2018] : Fixed Bill's body still appear in the passing when transition to that map.
If any of you downloaded one of the fake zoey plugins, just delete them.

You also need to download some plugins for more than 4 survivors fixes too to avoid having any missing survivor bugs, defib bugs and others.
If you already have those 8 survivors fixes, then you don't need to download it.

Installation for this plugin:
[Important] 1. Download Real Zoey Unlock by Silvers for Zoey fix crashing on Windows.
2. Download survivor_chat_select_windows.smx and place in the plugins folder
3. Download, open up and then place the vpk file into the addons.
4. Go and download Superversus for adding extra survivors in the game.
5. Get l4dtoolz for increasing player slots (if you want extra players to join your game.)
6. Download Defib Fix by Spirit_12. Go to extensions, download ext file by clicking it and move to extensions and txt in gamedata.
7. Download l4d2_bugfixes then open up the zip file and move the folders where it supposed to be.
8. Download Save Weapons to save weapons for extra bots survivors while transitioning another map.
9. Download Upgrade Fix Pack for fixing upgrade packs removed when 4 survivors used.
10. Download Left4Fix for Versus Score bug for extra bots.
11. Download Survivor Identity Fix to fix survivors turned into l4d2 survivors when player disconnected or went afk while playing on l4d1 survivors.

Click "Get Plugin" to download the plugin.

Do note that survivor_chat_select plugin is coded by mi123645 and Merudo. is to fix minor survivors dialogs for more than 4 survivors.
example : When the 8 survivors made it to the saferoom alive, their response be like "That was too close, we almost didn't make it."

Campaign Fixes:
1. Download l4d2_l4d1_survivors_fix plugin to fix those campaigns that used l4d1 survivors in certain maps.
2. Download forceset plugin to able play l4d2 & l4d1 survivors on l4d1 campaigns (DO NOTE THE L4D2 SURVIVORS ICONS AND ARMS WILL NOT WORK)

Optional Plugin:
Download Survivor Bot Select
if you want to takeover bots in game.


Commands & Cvars :

survivor_chat_select_windows (original plugin by Merudo/mi123645) :

Cvar's boolean
1 : Enabled
0 : Disabled

sm_n / sm_nick : change your character to Nick
sm_r / sm_rochelle : change your character to Rochelle
sm_e / sm_ellis : change your character to Ellis
sm_c / sm_coach : change your character to Coach
sm_b / sm_bill : change your character to Bill
sm_z / sm_zoey : change your character to Zoey
sm_f / sm_francis : change your character to Francis
sm_l / sm_louis : change your character to Louis
sm_csc : change any player's character
sm_csm : change your character

l4d_csm_admins_only : Admins can change their character only
l4d_scs_botschange : Enable extra bots to change l4d1 survivors when round begins
l4d_scs_cookies : Save your character who you're playing as. (Disable it if you're selecting your character through the lobby)

l4d2_l4d1_survivors_fix :

l4d2_l4d1_survivors_fix : enable this plugin if you don't want l4d1 survivors being used in map.
l4d2_the_passing_bill_block : block bill's dead body in the passing.

Credits to those who made these 8 survivor fixes plugins: DeathChaos25, Silvers, Merudo, mi123645, DDR Khat, Accelerator74, maks, V10, spumer, Spirit_12 and ivailosp.

That's all you need for extra survivor fixes. If you encounter any issues, drop the comments below and i'll do my best to help you.

Just to let you know i might not be available to help you. So i hope you'll find someone else to help you.

JohnnyDave255 07-01-2017 06:48

Re: [L4D2] All 8 L4D2 and L4D1 Survivors For Windows
Hell yeah? Nice one, bro. Will try to use this.

Edison1318 07-01-2017 07:20

Re: [L4D2] All 8 L4D2 and L4D1 Survivors For Windows

Originally Posted by JohnnyDave255 (Post 2532799)
Hell yeah? Nice one, bro. Will try to use this.

Yep. Thanks for trying out my plugin.

JohnnyDave255 07-01-2017 07:45

Re: [L4D2] All 8 L4D2 and L4D1 Survivors For Windows
Alright, tested them. Excellent work. No bugs/crashes found in my game. By the way, bro. I have some questions for Zoey:

Q1: Is Zoey's now a real character, so the L4D2 survivors can vocalize her when she killed a special infected
Q2: Can she talk to other maps, because I download a new map from Gamemaps, and I saw that she won't talk. all she can vocalize is "Look Out!" "Watch Out!"

Edison1318 07-01-2017 09:09

Re: [L4D2] All 8 L4D2 and L4D1 Survivors For Windows

Originally Posted by JohnnyDave255 (Post 2532806)
Alright, tested them. Excellent work. No bugs/crashes found in my game. By the way, bro. I have some questions for Zoey:

Q1: Is Zoey's now a real character, so the L4D2 survivors can vocalize her when she killed a special infected
Q2: Can she talk to other maps, because I download a new map from Gamemaps, and I saw that she won't talk. all she can vocalize is "Look Out!" "Watch Out!"

Not really a real character yet, cause i only make a talker lines for the unknown actor Fake Zoey. Second, not all the maps that she can talk. But certain maps there's a chance that she can able to talk. However, the l4d1 survivors cannot remark their location somehow and that's why they're silent while playing throught the campaign.

edwinvega86 07-06-2017 05:54

Re: [L4D2] All 8 L4D2 and L4D1 Survivors For Windows
I love your faso zoey. You could add the option to choose Ada wong, or create an extra version, ps always lost the Ada wong model when using defibrillator or map change. Ps also tried with l4d_survivor_identity_fix there was no effect. Many thanks and apologies for bad English

StrawPedro 07-07-2017 00:04

Re: [L4D2] All 8 L4D2 and L4D1 Survivors For Windows
With this setup when Louis startles Witch the game crashes. Idk what went wrong

Edison1318 07-07-2017 03:50

Re: [L4D2] All 8 L4D2 and L4D1 Survivors For Windows

Originally Posted by StrawPedro (Post 2533853)
With this setup when Louis startles Witch the game crashes. Idk what went wrong

Perhaps it must be Witch attack signature problem. Later i'll try to test it and find it what's the problem.

JohnnyDave255 07-07-2017 08:12

Re: [L4D2] All 8 L4D2 and L4D1 Survivors For Windows
Edi, I encountered a bug. When playing versus mode in single player, and goes to the next map, it crash the game without reason. Can you fix it?

Krufftys Killers 07-07-2017 17:50

Re: [L4D2] All 8 L4D2 and L4D1 Survivors For Windows
L 07/07/2017 - 03:08:37: SourceMod error session started
L 07/07/2017 - 03:08:37: Info (map "c7m1_docks") (file "errors_20170707.log")
L 07/07/2017 - 03:08:37: [SM] Exception reported: Client index -1 is invalid
L 07/07/2017 - 03:08:37: [SM] Blaming: ExtraZoeyFixes.smx
L 07/07/2017 - 03:08:37: [SM] Call stack trace:
L 07/07/2017 - 03:08:37: [SM] [0] GetClientAbsOrigin
L 07/07/2017 - 03:08:37: [SM] [1] Line 250, C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Left 4 Dead 2\left4dead2\addons\sourcemod\scripting\Extra ZoeyFixes.sp::OnSceneStageChanged
L 07/07/2017 - 03:08:37: [SM] [3] Call_Finish
L 07/07/2017 - 03:08:37: [SM] [4] Line 628, C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Left 4 Dead 2\left4dead2\addons\sourcemod\scripting\scene processor.sp::SceneData_SetStage
L 07/07/2017 - 03:08:37: [SM] [5] Line 535, C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Left 4 Dead 2\left4dead2\addons\sourcemod\scripting\scene processor.sp::OnSceneStart_EntOutput
L 07/07/2017 - 03:18:06: Error log file session closed.
got this today

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