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almostagreatcoder 06-18-2017 12:02

[FOF] Ranking and Statistics (Version 1.3.1, 2019-01-13)
2 Attachment(s)
[FOF] Ranking and Statistics (Version 1.3.1, 2019-01-13)

A Plugin that implements ranking points, a ranking list, and some statistics for Fistful of Frags. Easy to install and pretty lightweight. Inspired by DarthNinja's Ranking and Item Logger for TF2, but completely rewritten.

  • Configurable ranking point system -> earn points for each kill, loose points for being killed. Use the config file to adjust points for each weapon.
  • Ingame ranking list -> say !top10 to view the ranking list ingame. Access the data sheet for each player.
  • Ingame statistics -> say !rank to view your own rank and statistics. (Or say !rank [name] to view the data of someone else.)
  • Adjustable messages and panels -> use the convars described below to adjust how "chatty" this plugin works.
  • Translatable -> this plugin uses sourcemod's translation system. Current languages: English and German.
  • Flexible data storage -> you can either use a (default) sqlite database or - in case you are running a popular server - a mysql database.

Player Commands

A player can issue these two:
  • sm_rank [<name|#userid>] -> display the current player's rank and data sheet. If [name] is given, this player's data will be displayed. For connected players you can also use the usual target syntax.
  • sm_top10 [<starting_position>] -> show the ranking list. By default, max. 500 entries are loaded and displayed. If you want the list to start at a certain position, provide it as a parameter to this command.

Admin Commands

As an admin, you can do this:
  • sm_rank_reload -> reload the config file fof_rank.cfg. (See below: Configuration)
  • sm_giverankpoints <name|#userid> <points>] -> Silently give points to one ore more players. Usually points are added to or substracted from the points a player already has. But if you provide the points parameter with a preceding '=' the points of a player will be set to this exact amount. For example: sm_giverankpoints @all 50 adds 50 points to every connected player. Whereas sm_giverankpoints @all =50 sets the points of all connected players to 50. PLEASE HANDLE WITH GREAT CARE AND RESPONSIBILITY! THERE IS NO WAY OF UNDOING THIS!

  • sm_rank_version -> the plugin's version, obviously...
  • sm_rank_enabled -> 1/0 for enabling or disabling the plugin. (Default 1)
  • sm_rank_announceplayers -> 0/1 for announcing every connecting player including his rank and country in the chat. (Default 1)
  • sm_rank_showpanels -> 1/0 for showing each connecting player either a welcome panel with the top 3 and a short explanation or with his own ranking data. (Default 1)
  • sm_rank_informpoints -> 0/1 for showing an information each time a player earns or looses points in the chat. (Default 1)
  • sm_rank_roundsummary -> 0/1 for showing an information at each round's end about each player's performance. (Default 1)


Download the ZIP file and extract it into the sourcemod base folder. Usually here: .../fof/addons/sourcemod
After that, restart your server or (re)load the plugin: sm plugins load fof_rank

By default, the plugin uses an sqlite file to store all data. This may be suitable for servers that are not visited by too many players. If you are running a server that is used by a large community (like tenthousands...) you should better define a database configuration named fofstats in sourcemod's config/databases.cfg file and use a mysql database. Just create a database (and a mysql user); all needed tables will be created automatically.


Take a look inside the fof_rank.cfg and modify it to your needs! It's pretty straightforward, really!



Download from GitHub:

View the GitHub repository here: Use the functionality there to contribute to the sources!

almostagreatcoder 06-18-2017 12:05

Re: [FOF] Ranking and Statistics (Version 0.9.0, 2017-06-18)

If this plugin is useful and there is a reasonable amount of admins using it, I could think about some improvements. For example::
  • Killstreak ranklist -> I could make a ranking list for the players with the best killstreaks.
  • Weapon statistics -> Since I track it in the database, I could implement an information panel about how often a player has killed with a certain weapon.
What do you think? Let me know...

RumbleFrog 06-25-2017 00:34

Re: [FOF] Ranking and Statistics (Version 0.9.0, 2017-06-18)
Awesome! I'll check this out when i get around to FOF.

almostagreatcoder 06-26-2017 16:30

Re: [FOF] Ranking and Statistics (Version 0.9.6, 2017-06-26)
New Version released!

I just uploaded a new version: you can now view a top 10 list both of your killers and victims. Just for fun! :avast:

almostagreatcoder 07-01-2017 07:07

Re: [FOF] Ranking and Statistics (Version 0.9.8, 2017-07-01)
Yet another new version released! Now with the ability to view any player's top killers as well as victims!

Have fun with it!

almostagreatcoder 07-03-2017 03:30

Re: [FOF] Ranking and Statistics (Version 0.9.9, 2017-07-03)
Here we go for the next release!

Now, at the end of each round the player gets an information about how many ranking points he has earned and how his ranking hat changed. For now, I think this is it. The plugin does what it should on my server so if I'm fine with it. :)

almostagreatcoder 07-03-2017 16:57

Re: [FOF] Ranking and Statistics (Version 1.0.0, 2017-07-03)
Last release (for today): Version 1.0.0

Since the database grew pretty fast on my server I had to make some changes in the data model to keep it lean. Now everything is fine again and also the text messages are a bit tidied up.

almostagreatcoder 02-17-2018 15:47

Re: [FOF] Ranking and Statistics (Version 1.1.1, 2018-02-17)
New release: Version 1.1.1

This is a version with some minor bug fixes (e.g.: now always calculating the number of total players correctly). One major feature added: it is possible to complile a mysql version of the plugin, which is helpful if the handled data is too much for a sqlite solution.

Have fun!

almostagreatcoder 03-27-2018 03:07

Re: [FOF] Ranking and Statistics (Version 1.2.0, 2018-03-27)
New release: Version 1.2.1

In this version the ability of using a mysql database is fully refactored. If you want to use mysql instead of sqlite, just go ahead and define a section fofstats in sourcemod's configs/databases.cfg section.

Have fun!

Edit: Had to fix a minor bug which has duplicated chat messages (thus version 1.2.1)

MaloModo 10-05-2018 12:59

Re: [FOF] Ranking and Statistics (Version 1.2.1, 2018-03-27)
It this plugin still functioning? Not sure how I didn't see it until now.

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