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@.SizNeR 06-27-2013 02:58

[REQ] Translate For Deathrun Shop
Current Translations:






@.SizNeR 07-01-2013 11:17

Re: [REQ] Translate For Deathrun Shop
Can some one please can give me some translations ?

@.SizNeR 07-02-2013 11:15

Re: [REQ] Translate For Deathrun Shop
Can some one please give me a translation ?

@.SizNeR 07-03-2013 21:17

Re: [REQ] Translate For Deathrun Shop
Can some one please give me a translation ?

@.SizNeR 07-07-2013 17:29

Re: [REQ] Translate For Deathrun Shop
Some one ? Translation ? Please ? :P

naven 07-08-2013 17:20

Re: [REQ] Translate For Deathrun Shop
Be patient man.

K1d0x 07-15-2013 05:12

Re: [REQ] Translate For Deathrun Shop
Romanian Translation

ADMIN_GAVE_CASH = Adminul ^"!t%s!n^" i-a dat!t %i bani!n jucatorului ^"!t%s!n^".
ADMIN_TOOK_CASH = Adminul ^"!t%s!n^" a luat!t %i bani!n de la jucatorul ^"!t%s!n^".
CANT_FIND_PLAYER = Eroare: Jucatorul ^"!t%s!n^" nu poate fi gasit
CANT_FIND_PLAYER_CONSOLE = * Eroare: Jucatorul ^"%s^" nu poate fi gasit
CASH_HAVE = Tu ai %i bani
GAMBLE_MSG = Jucatorul ^"!t%s!n^" a mizat pe!t %i bani!n si!g %s!n.
GAMBLE_USAGE = Foloseste:!t /gamble <amount>
NO_ACCESS_CONSOLE = * Nu ai acces la aceasta comanda.
ONLY_NUMBERS = Eroare: Trebuie sa introduci doar numere.
ONLY_NUMBERS_CONSOLE = * Eroare: Trebuie sa introduci doar numere in campul sumei.
PLAYER_CASH = Jucatorul ^"!t%s!n^" are!t %i bani!n.
PLAYER_KILL = Jucatorul ^"!t%s!n^" l-a omorat pe ^"!t%s!n^" si a primit!t %i bani!n.
SEND_CLIENT_MESSAGE = Ai trimis cu succes!t %i bani!n la ^"!t%s!n^"
SEND_TARGET_MESSAGE = Ai castigat!t %i bani!n de la jucatorul ^"!t%s!n^"
SEND_USAGE = Foloseste:!t /send <jucator> <suma>
SHOP_ALIVE = Eroare: Trebuie sa fi!t in viata!n pentru a cumpara acest item.
SHOP_ARMOR_BOUGTH = Ai cumparat cu succes!t %i armura!n pentru!t %i bani!n.
SHOP_HEALTH_BOUGTH = Ai cumparat cu succes!t %i viata!n pentru!t %i bani!n.
SHOP_NEED_MORE_CASH = Eroare: Mai ai nevoie de!t %i bani!n pentru a cumpara acest item.
SHOP_NOCLIP_STUCK = Ai fost ucis pentru ca ai fost blocat.
SHOP_POWER_ALREADY = Eroare: Ai deja aceasta putere.
SHOP_POWER_BOUGHT = Acum ai!t %s!n, si v-a disparea dupa!t %.1f sec!n.
SHOP_POWER_BOUGHT_ONEROUND = Acum ai!t %s!n, pentru!t o runda!n.
SHOP_POWER_TIMEOVER = Timpul!t %s tau!n s-a terminat.
SHOP_WEAPON_BOUGTH = Ai cumparat cu succes!t %s!n pentru!t %i bani!n.
SHOP_WEAPON_HAVE = Eroare: Ai deja un !t %s!n.
YOU_DONT_HAVE_CASH = Eroare: Nu ai!t %i bani!n.
YOUR_CASH = Ai!t %i bani!n.

@.SizNeR 07-26-2013 19:33

Re: [REQ] Translate For Deathrun Shop

Originally Posted by K1d0x (Post 1991132)
Romanian Translation

Thanks. :)

UchihaSkills 07-26-2013 21:01

Re: [REQ] Translate For Deathrun Shop
Germans Translation

ADMIN_GAVE_CASH = Admin ^"!t%s!n^" gab!t %i Geld!n an Spieler ^"!t%s!n^".
ADMIN_TOOK_CASH = Admin ^"!t%s!n^" nahm!t %i Geld!n vom Spieler ^"!t%s!n^".
CANT_FIND_PLAYER = Error: Spieler kann nicht gefunden werden ^"!t%s!n^"
CANT_FIND_PLAYER_CONSOLE = * Error: Spieler kann nicht gefunden werden ^"%s^"
CASH_HAVE = Du hast %i Geld
GAMBLE_MSG = Spieler ^"!t%s!n^" verspielte!t %i Geld an!n und!g %s!n.
GAMBLE_USAGE = Benutzung:!t /gamble <amount>
NO_ACCESS_CONSOLE = * Du hast nicht genuegend Rechte fuer diesen Befehl!
ONLY_NUMBERS = Error: Du darfst nur Zahlen benutzen!
ONLY_NUMBERS_CONSOLE = * Error: Du darfst nur Zahlen als Betrag setzen
PLAYER_CASH = Spieler ^"!t%s!n^" hat!t %i Geld!n.
PLAYER_KILL = Spieler ^"!t%s!n^" toetet ^"!t%s!n^" und bekam!t %i cash!n.
SEND_CLIENT_MESSAGE = Du sendeste erfolgreich!t %i Geld!n an ^"!t%s!n^"
SEND_TARGET_MESSAGE = Du bekamst!t %i Geld!n von spieler ^"!t%s!n^"
SEND_USAGE = Benutzung:!t /send <player> <amount>
SHOP_ALIVE = Error: Du musst!t am leben sein!n um dieses Item zu kaufen!
SHOP_ARMOR_BOUGTH = Du hast erfolgreich gekauft!t %i Armor!n fuer!t %i Geld!n.
SHOP_HEALTH_BOUGTH = Du hast erfolgreich gekauft!t %i Leben!n fuer!t %i Geld!n.
SHOP_NEED_MORE_CASH = Error: Du brauchst mehr!t %i Geld!n um das Item zu kaufen!
SHOP_NOCLIP_STUCK = Du wurdest getoetet weil du festgesteckt hast!
SHOP_POWER_ALREADY = Error: Du besitzt diese Staerke bereits!
SHOP_POWER_BOUGHT = Du hast nun ein!t %s!n, und es entfernt mehr!t %.1f sekunden!n.
SHOP_POWER_BOUGHT_ONEROUND = Du hast nun ein!t %s!n, fuer!t eine Runde!n.
SHOP_POWER_TIMEOVER = Deine!t %s Zeit!n ist abgelaufen.
SHOP_WEAPON_BOUGTH = Du hast erfolgreich gekauft!t %s!n fuer!t %i Geld!n.
SHOP_WEAPON_HAVE = Error: Du hast bereits ein!t %s!n.
YOU_DONT_HAVE_CASH = Error: Du hast kein!t %i Geld!n.
YOUR_CASH = Du hast!t %i Geld!n.

naven 07-27-2013 08:23

Re: [REQ] Translate For Deathrun Shop
pl - Polish


 ADMIN_GAVE_CASH = Admin ^"!t%s!n^" dal!t %i kasy!n graczowi ^"!t%s!n^".
 ADMIN_TOOK_CASH = Admin ^"!t%s!n^" zabral!t %i kasy!n graczowi ^"!t%s!n^".
 CANT_FIND_PLAYER = Blad: Nie mozna znalezc takiego gracza ^"!t%s!n^"
 CANT_FIND_PLAYER_CONSOLE = * Blad: Nie mozna znalezc takiego gracza ^"%s^"
 CASH_HAVE = Masz %i kasy
 GAMBLE_MSG = Gracz ^"!t%s!n^" postawil!t %i kasy!n i!g %s!n.
 GAMBLE_USAGE = Uzycie:!t /gamble <liczba>
 NO_ACCESS_CONSOLE = * Nie masz dostepu do tej komendy.
 ONLY_NUMBERS = Blad: Mozesz wpisac tylko liczby.
 ONLY_NUMBERS_CONSOLE = * Blad: w to pole mozesz wpisac tylko liczby
 PLAYER_CASH = ^"!t%s!n^" ma!t %i kasy!n.
 PLAYER_KILL = ^"!t%s!n^" zabil ^"!t%s!n^" i zyskal!t %i kasy!n.
 SEND_CLIENT_MESSAGE = Wyslales!t %i kasy!n do ^"!t%s!n^"
 SEND_TARGET_MESSAGE = Otrzymales!t %i kasy!n od gracza ^"!t%s!n^"
 SEND_USAGE = Uzycie:!t /send <gracz> <liczba>
 SHOP_ALIVE = Error: Musisz byc!t zywy!n aby kupic ten przedmiot.
 SHOP_ARMOR_BOUGTH = Kupiles!t %i kamizelke!n za!t %i kasy!n.
 SHOP_HEALTH_BOUGTH = Kupiles!t %i zdrowie!n za!t %i kasy!n.
 SHOP_NEED_MORE_CASH = Error: Potrzebujesz wiecej!t %i kasy!n aby to kupic.
 SHOP_NOCLIP_STUCK = Zostales zabity poniewaz utknales.
 SHOP_POWER_ALREADY = Blad: Masz juz to.

 SHOP_POWER_BOUGHT = You now have a!t %s!n, and it will remove more!t %.1f seconds!n.

 SHOP_POWER_BOUGHT_ONEROUND = Kupiles!t %s!n, bedziesz to mial przez!t jedna runde!n.
 SHOP_POWER_TIMEOVER = Twoj!t %s czas!n sie skonczyl
 SHOP_WEAPON_BOUGTH = Kupiles!t %s!n za!t %i kasy!n.
 SHOP_WEAPON_HAVE = Masz juz!t %s!n.
 YOU_DONT_HAVE_CASH = Blad: nie masz tyle!t %i kasy!n.
 YOUR_CASH = Masz!t %i kasy!n.


SHOP_POWER_BOUGHT = You now have a!t %s!n, and it will remove more!t %.1f seconds!n.


ONLY_NUMBERS = Error: You must to enter only numbers.

ONLY_NUMBERS = Error: You can only enter numbers.

SHOP_NOCLIP_STUCK = You have killed for been stuck.

SHOP_NOCLIP_STUCK = You have been killed because you were stuck.

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