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Eggman 05-14-2010 09:19

[TF2] The Amplifier
4 Attachment(s)

The Amplifier is engineer's building from famous Engineer Fake by Jumento M.D.
My plugin makes it real!

Amplifier makes teammates' (and disguised spies') shots near amp (<200 units) to be critical. Works with sniper rifle and knife too!
Engineer get "assists": 1 capture (=2 scores) for 4 kills by AMP-crits.
You can't upgrade this building.

Model by Jumento M.D., thanx a lot to him.
Textures by me, because his textures made on 3ds max shaders.
P.S.AMP is without "crit" heal-beam.

languages: English, Russian and Polish.

amplifier_particle (def.1) - Enable the Buffed Particle.
amplifier_condition (def.33) - Condition that The amplifier dispenses (11=full crits, 16=mini crits, etc...).
amplifier_percent (def.100) - Percent chance of the amplifier applying the condition.
amplifier_distance (def.200) - Distance the amplifier works.
amplifier_regeneration (def.15) - Amount of metal to regenerate per second.
amplifier_max (def.400) - Maximum amount of metal an amplifier can hold.
amplifier_metal (def.5)- Amount of metal to use to apply a condition to a player (per second).
amplifier_wallblock (def.0) - Teammates can (0) or can not (1) get crits through walls, players, props etc
amplifier_SG_wrangler_mini-crit (def.1) - Controlled (by Wrangler) SentryGun will get mini-crits, if engineer near AMP (sentry can not get normal crits)
amplifier_Announce (def.150) - Info about AMP will show every N seconds
amplifier_and_repairnode (def.0) - Allow use Repair Node and AMP on 1 server without conflicts

Extract "" to "[server]\tf"
Only if server has sv_downloadurl:
You can replace models and textures to BZ2-archives for faster download.
Extract archive "" to downloadurl.

Fix errors:
Add models and textures to pure's white list, if pure is 1 It's important. PURE 2 IS FAIL TO AMP
AMP needs fresh SM-version
*If you get "[SM] Plugin Amplifier.smx failed to load: Native "TF2_AddCondition" was not found", then refresh your SM.
Native "TF2_AddCondition" reported: Failed to locate function
AMP needs fresh SM-version

Use in game:
On spawn (only) engineer will see menu of 4 items:
HTML Code:

Select your 2nd building:
3)Dispenser, don't ask me again
4)Amplifier, don't ask me again

If engineer selects 2 or 4 and tries building a Dispenser, he builds The Amplifier.

2.4 (by FlaminSarge):
Default condition is 33 (candy crits) and other little fixes.
-Fixed "Ghost of Amplifier" bug, not amplifier's effect don't still when engineer move amplifier
-Return ConVar amplifier_and_repairnode, because autodetection don't work.
-Fixed bug, when spies can not get condition from enemy Amplifier
-Deleted ConVar amplifier_and_repairnode and use autodetection of node
-Changed the color of the "Waves" to yellow for conditions that affect the enemy
-if ConVar amplifier_Announce = 0.0 do not will shown information about AMP.
-ConVar amplifier_wallblock
-ConVar amplifier_SG_wrangler_mini-crit
-ConVar amplifier_Announce
-Repair Node and Amplifier can installed on server in one time.
-ConVar amplifier_and_repairnode
-Amplifier is movable
-Engineers can charge Amplifier, when they will triing upgrade it
-Engineer with Frontier Justice can use Amplifier without lost revenges
-Engineer's SentryGun will mini-crit, if Engineer will control SG (Sentry never can crit)
Global update by naris:
-Fixed GetEdictClassname error
-naris, thank you so much for fix warnings.
-Fixed bug when plugin saw not all players
-Replaced old bin and extension to new command TF2_AddCondition from
-Repacked zip-archives for more easy installing

YOU CAN BUILD AMPLIFIER NOW ON THAT SERVERS! (DeathMatch and meat maps) (but not on all maps =( ) (Vikings 24\7) (2fort 24\7)

And video:
P.S.Sorry for my stupid english =)

psychonic 05-14-2010 09:28

Re: [TF2] The Amplifier
As of SM 1.3.2 (the earliest version that even works on TF2), SM's TF2 extension already has natives for adding and removing conditions. No need to include a third party extension just for that. If you do still wish to include it, it should actually be recompiled for linux rather than including some random old version of the tier0 lib.

Eggman 05-14-2010 09:34

Re: [TF2] The Amplifier
I test on public (, with old .so it's working!
Also I can't find this natives on mine includes. Ver.1.3.2

psychonic 05-14-2010 09:45

Re: [TF2] The Amplifier

Originally Posted by Eggman (Post 1179912)
I test on public (, with old .so it's working!
Also I can't find this natives on mine includes. Ver.1.3.2

Make sure you have the scripting directory from the 1.3.2 release. It was not added until one of the last snapshots before the release. The natives and the TFCond enum are in scripting/include/

It's not acceptable for a plugin to require old server binaries.

On a lighter note. Your plugin looks sweet.

noodleboy347 05-14-2010 09:48

Re: [TF2] The Amplifier
I've seen this on a server and it's amazing work- both plugin and model. Can't wait to play with this :)

FoxMulder 05-14-2010 10:11

Re: [TF2] The Amplifier
First and foremost, good job on the plugin. I really like the model and the idea (heck I even made something very similar based off of Jumento's idea :

Some things I noticed while glancing over the code...
Could of used GetVectorDistance instead of:
PHP Code:

Float:dx x1-x2;
Float:dy y1-y2;
Float:dz z1-z2;
SquareRoot(dx*dx dy*dy dz*dz));

PHP Code:



Originally Posted by DJ Tsunami (Post 987906)
using GetClientCount() in a for-loop might leave out clients. Use MaxClients instead.

This is nit-picking but I have used the "soldierbuff_red_buffed" particle in the past and players complained that it was laggy. So if you have a bunch of people near the Amp and they look at their feet FPS will go down for them :|

icequeenzz 05-14-2010 10:22

Re: [TF2] The Amplifier
great idea :O,

would be great if it would be upgradable (longer range perhaps?)

hopefully u will fully support this project cuz it rocks!

Eggman 05-14-2010 10:29

Re: [TF2] The Amplifier
Thanks to all =) It's my 1st plugin =)
Also what you think about Shield Generator? (as Supreme Commander) and replace sentry to ShGen?
FoxMulder, Have you made it before me? I have invented bycicle =(
И да просьба русскоговорящим писать пожелания в ПМ.

FoxMulder 05-14-2010 10:41

Re: [TF2] The Amplifier

Originally Posted by Eggman (Post 1179959)
Thanks to all =) It's my 1st plugin =)
FoxMulder, Have you made it before me? I create bycicle =(

Don't understand but I made something based off of his idea but I've kept it private. My hats off to you for making this public instead of keeping it to yourself (like I have :oops:)

Nightbox 05-14-2010 10:46

Re: [TF2] The Amplifier
Go ahead :)

Hmm can i make the clients to download the model ? It shows ERROR.

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