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Bacardi 04-16-2022 15:59

Regex MatchOffset - Does it work right ?
About this
- I'm not sure do I use it right.
Should this return offset of match in string ?
It now return offset of end of match in string.

Below example match STEAM_ id pattern.

sm plugins reload test
"<STEAM_0:1:23456> Baca bacardi jump over brown fox STEAM_7:8:9012345678 rolling down the hill, hit his head on rock"

numofmatch 2
> Baca bacardi jump over brown fox STEAM_7:8:9012345678 rolling down the hill, hit his head on rock
matchoffset 16

 rolling down the hill, hit his head on rock
matchoffset 71

[SM] Plugin test.smx reloaded successfully.

PHP Code:

#include <regex>

Regex rextest;

char loremipsum[] = {
"<STEAM_0:1:23456> Baca bacardi jump over brown fox \
    STEAM_7:8:9012345678 rolling down the hill, hit his head on rock"

void OnPluginStart()
rextest = new Regex("(STEAM_\\d:\\d:\\d+)");

int numofmatch rextest.MatchAll(loremipsum);
int matchoffset;

numofmatch 0)

PrintToServer("numofmatch %i"numofmatch);

int a 1numofmatcha++)
int b 0rextest.CaptureCount(a); b++)
matchoffset rextest.MatchOffset(b);
PrintToServer("matchoffset %i\n"matchoffset);

Dragokas 04-19-2022 10:09

Re: Regex MatchOffset - Does it work right ?
Likes a bug.

However, your double-cycle is a bit strange.
Here is more clear test:
PHP Code:

#pragma semicolon 1
#pragma newdecls required

#include <sourcemod>
#include <regex>

Regex regex;

char loremipsum[] = {
"<STEAM_0:1:23456> Baca bacardi jump over brown fox \
    STEAM_7:8:9012345678 rolling down the hill, hit his head on rock"

void OnPluginStart()
char buf[128];
regex = new Regex("STEAM_\\d:\\d:\\d+");
int numMatches regex.MatchAll(loremipsum);
numMatches )
PrintToServer("Full string: \"%s\"\n"loremipsum);
PrintToServer("Num of matches: %i\n"numMatches);

int iMatch 0iMatch numMatchesiMatch ++)
int offsetMatch regex.MatchOffset(iMatch);
regex.GetSubString(0bufsizeof(buf), iMatch);
PrintToServer("[substring:%i, offs:%i, len:%i]: %s"iMatchoffsetMatchstrlen(buf), buf);


Full string: "<STEAM_0:1:23456> Baca bacardi jump over brown fox STEAM_7:8:9012345678 rolling down the hill, hit his head on rock"

Num of matches: 2

[substring:0, offs:16, len:15]: STEAM_0:1:23456
[substring:1, offs:71, len:20]: STEAM_7:8:9012345678

Bacardi 04-19-2022 12:12

Re: Regex MatchOffset - Does it work right ?

Originally Posted by Dragokas (Post 2777216)
Likes a bug.

However, your double-cycle is a bit strange.
Here is more clear test:

It's from previous practising code, looking log outputs.

Using Capturing Group ()

Dragokas 04-19-2022 13:38

Re: Regex MatchOffset - Does it work right ?
Yeah, but, in such case it should be rextest.MatchOffset(a) in your code, because MatchOffset is accepting index of match, not index of capture.
Index of capture can be used with GetSubString (argument str_id) as according to docs.
One match can contain several captures. The capture is a part enclosed in parentheses. If you would have several enclosed parts in expression e.g. "(STEAM_)(\\d:\\d:\\d+)", so you'll have several captures in each match.
Anyway, it doesn't change that the result offset is a bugged value. It should point to the start of a string index where match was found.

Bacardi 04-19-2022 18:22

Re: Regex MatchOffset - Does it work right ?
Aaa ok, I got confused with matches and captures. I need practise those again.

asherkin 04-21-2022 10:22

Re: Regex MatchOffset - Does it work right ?
The docs aren't the best, but it is for implementing MatchAll yourself - it gives you the offset to start searching for the next match from. It's too late to change the implementation I think.

Bacardi 04-21-2022 12:10

Re: Regex MatchOffset - Does it work right ?
Thaw would make sense.

By reducing offset with strlen of match string, can get matching start offset.

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