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retsam 08-09-2010 21:37

[TF2] Dispenser Detonator (0.2)
2 Attachment(s)
[TF2] Dispenser Detonator (0.2)

I coded this a few weeks before the engie update was released. Pretty much been a private plugin but decided to post it.


Makes dispensers explode dealing damage within a radius when destroyed from PDA.

The idea behind this plugin was, I wanted to try and mimic TFC's dispenser detonation ability. In TFC, you were able to destroy your dispenser to damage enemies within radius.

The below commands allow engies to toggle dispensers detonating. (To allow for destroying a nearby dispenser without killing yourself)

Chat: !det / !detonate
Console: sm_det / sm_detonate


- Place .smx into the plugins folder...
- Config is auto-created --> cfg\sourcemod\plugin.dispenser_detonator.cfg
(You can find all cvars there)

sm_dispenserdet_mode Cvar:
Just to briefly explain this cvar. There are 3 modes for calculating damage.

0 - Flat base cvar damage. (The damage will be whatever the base cvar is set to) <--boring
1 - Base cvar damage is multiplied by the dispenser level. (So if base is 50, a level 3 dispenser will do 50 * 3 = 150 damage)
2 - (Default):This mode uses some random equation I came up with and uses the metal, level and basedamage cvar for calculating the damage.

SDKHOOKS: This plugin uses optional SDKhooks. The reason I coded to use SDKhooks is because one of our servers allows for multiple dispensers. Without SDKhooks, this would emit the explosion from every dispenser location. Thats the only reason for it. Otherwise, it works fine without sdkhooks. If your server doesnt allow multiple dispensers, dont worry about it.

Other Info:
I may change it but, I currently use the building destroyed icon for dispenser detonator kills. (I also changed the weaponlog classname to dispenser as well). I couldnt decide if I wanted the default crossbones icon or the new building destroyed icon.



6/20/10 - v0.2 - Moved the non-sdk hook detonation function to its own stock. Put the particle duration to 6 secs instead of 5.
6/15/10 - v0.1 - Initial release.

PieOnEar 08-14-2010 19:11

Re: [TF2] Dispenser Detonator (0.2)
To Do: Attach the compiled plugin
Its a great idea anyway.

dirtyminuth 08-14-2010 23:05

Re: [TF2] Dispenser Detonator (0.2)
Always loved doing this in TFC, nice mod!

Also, may I use your CreateExplosion() routine for another mod? It would very useful! :)

retsam 08-15-2010 15:06

Re: [TF2] Dispenser Detonator (0.2)

Ill post the compiled copy. I always forget that.

PieOnEar 08-15-2010 16:57

Re: [TF2] Dispenser Detonator (0.2)
Just tested it
Awesome plugin
Although, after 25 mins of using it I suddenly crashed, and I had multi-core rendering off, must have been another plugin though.

snowyiet 08-16-2010 04:38

Re: [TF2] Dispenser Detonator (0.2)
You should add an alert for when an enemy is using the dispenser so you can know when to blow it up. Also it would be nice if you could add a command to detonate it, so manually selecting it from the detonation tool wouldn't be required.

Roundcat 08-04-2012 06:47

Re: [TF2] Dispenser Detonator (0.2)
As part of RTD there is a roll which lets any class build dispensers. This plugin would be great if it allowed them to also destroy their dispenser by using the destroy bind key they would use were they an engineer.

Also how about adding it to sentries and teles? Any exploding metal object would hurt right? Great revenge on lingering spies!

Nice plugin! Thx.

Roundcat 08-05-2012 06:03

Re: [TF2] Dispenser Detonator (0.2)
Just installed and this plugin is not working for me. The cvars do nothing. Apart from mine, no posts since 2010?

Kahl_Drogo 06-28-2014 15:16

Re: [TF2] Dispenser Detonator (0.2)
I have errors log from this pplugin:


L 06/28/2014 - 22:40:46: [SM] Native "GetEdictClassname" reported: Invalid edict (2049 - -2132355071)
L 06/28/2014 - 22:40:46: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "dispenser_detonator.smx":
L 06/28/2014 - 22:40:46: [SM]  [0]  Line 193, dispenser_detonator.sp::OnEntityDestroyed()
L 06/28/2014 - 22:40:46: [SM] Native "GetEdictClassname" reported: Invalid edict (2050 - -2037569534)
L 06/28/2014 - 22:40:46: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "dispenser_detonator.smx":
L 06/28/2014 - 22:40:46: [SM]  [0]  Line 193, dispenser_detonator.sp::OnEntityDestroyed()
L 06/28/2014 - 22:40:46: [SM] Native "GetEdictClassname" reported: Invalid edict (2051 - -2124077053)
L 06/28/2014 - 22:40:46: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "dispenser_detonator.smx":
L 06/28/2014 - 22:40:46: [SM]  [0]  Line 193, dispenser_detonator.sp::OnEntityDestroyed()
L 06/28/2014 - 22:40:46: [SM] Native "GetEdictClassname" reported: Invalid edict (2052 - -2090432508)
L 06/28/2014 - 22:40:46: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "dispenser_detonator.smx":
L 06/28/2014 - 22:40:46: [SM]  [0]  Line 193, dispenser_detonator.sp::OnEntityDestroyed()
L 06/28/2014 - 22:40:46: [SM] Native "GetEdictClassname" reported: Invalid edict (2053 - -2112137211)
L 06/28/2014 - 22:40:46: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "dispenser_detonator.smx":
L 06/28/2014 - 22:40:46: [SM]  [0]  Line 193, dispenser_detonator.sp::OnEntityDestroyed()
L 06/28/2014 - 22:40:46: [SM] Native "GetEdictClassname" reported: Invalid edict (2054 - -2068768762)

But plugin work. Any sugestion why I have thats errors ?

MasterOfTheXP 06-28-2014 18:56

Re: [TF2] Dispenser Detonator (0.2)
1 Attachment(s)
It's because the plugin isn't checking if the entity is in fact an edict before using GetEdictClassname (an easy-to-forget problem in OnEntityDestroyed...although perhaps OnEntityDestroyed only cared about edicts at the time? Maybe?)

This should fix it.

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