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Arkshine 11-15-2011 18:20

Notepad++ AlliedModders Edition (unsupported for now)
Notepad++ AlliedModders Edition (unsupported for now)
v.6.4.5, updated August 14th, 2013

This special edition is based on the latest version 6.4.5 and is designed to offer a ready-to-use environment for the Pawn language.

Keep up in mind that this environment is more or less what I use and it might not please all people.
Though, I've tried to release something with generic configurations.

Therefore, a reminder :
if you don't like, feel free to customize.

Random screenshots :

Contents :

Features list and some explanations top
  • Pawn is now an internal language of Notepad++

    • Based on the C language, the parsing is more robust and customizable. (check Syle Configurator -> Pawn)
    • Since better integrated, the language is handled better in Notepad++ (configuration) and plugins.

  • Syntax Highlighting, Auto-Completion and Function Parameters Hint are activated

    • Based on the fysiks' work, I've updated/improved somehow his scripts to retrieve properly datas from 205 includes.
    • The syntax highlighting colors/font are designed to be somehow smooth for the eyes so they won't hurt. No flashy/über-constrasted colors. Sober & simple. It needs a base anyway.
    • The Auto-completion is based on word instead of the functions. The reason is Notepad++ handles poorly such feature and since the API contains a lot of words, each time you write something you have like a blinking effect. Use Ctrl + Space to check instead.

  • The AMX Mod X Compiler is provided with all the supported includes (200+)

    • Now, you can compile directly a plugin through Notepad++. The console being integrated. Use F6 the first time to choose the script, then Ctrl + F6 to execute the active one.
    • You can customize the script, adding your own and such. By default, the compiled plugin will be put where the source is.
    • The errors in the console are colored and clickable.

  • Few Notepad++ Plugins are pre-installed

    • Auto Save (v1.30) : Allows to automatically save the currently open files based on a timer (10 min by default) schedule and/or upon the application losing focus. For unnamed/new files, it auto-saves in the auto.recover directory (Notepad++ root).
    • Code Alignment (v6.0) : Allows to align your code by any character and includes options as such equals and periond.
    • FingerText (v0.6.1, modified) : Allows to manage snippets. Some snippets are provided. This plugin is promising and has interesting feature like hotspots or dynamic insertion hints (Alt + .). I would suggest you read some documentation.
    • Notepad# (v1.5.0, modified) : Implements some useful features like indenting after opening curly brace. Check the full features list to know more.
    • NppExec (v0.5) : Can execute commands and scripts. It's a complete plugin, and it's through this plugin the AMX Mod X Compiler can be executed. Read the documentation for more informations.
    • Task List (v2.0) : Automatically scans the opened document in Notepad++ and adds all "TODO:*" items to your task list, a window pane docked on the right. Double-clicking an item in the list will take you to that line in the code.
    • Regex Helper (v0.0.2.2) : Highlights all matches of a regular expression within a document. Clicking on an individual result shows the matching groups for that result.
    • SherloXplorer (v0.3) : Brings a file-explorer-like control into Notepad++, which is very close to a real windows explorer. It has some interesting features.
    • SourceCookifer (v0.7.3) : Uses Exuberant Ctags to show you all recognized tags (symbols) for given source files. Based on C language, which is enough. Read the documentation for more informations.
    • XBrackets Lite (v1.2.1) : Allows to autocomplete brackets ([{""}]). Disable by default.

General notes top
  • Important : This Notepad++ special edition is not upgradable from the original version. Therefore, the update feature has been removed. Also, FingerText and Notepad# have been modified to support Pawn language. Don't try to update Notepad++ or these plugins through the plugins manager. Don't worry, this edition should be updated as fast as a new original version is released.
  • Feel free to suggest plugins, alerting missing things, reporting bugs, sharing snippets (you can export!) and such. Any feedbacks are welcomed.

Todo list top
  • One day it would be cool to make an external lexer plugin for Pawn language, so to have a tailor-made and advanced parsing, and Notepad++ would not required to be modified.
  • Adding the plugin DocIt which helps to generate header for functions with params. I've started to modify it but I'm kind of stuck on some regex expression to capture all kind of params.
  • Adding support for SourcePawn. (lazy..) [EDIT: lexer added, but no configuration/api yet]
  • Fixing #15

Installation top:
  • If you use the installer :

    1. If present, uninstall previous original Notepad++ version.
    2. Download and execute the provided installer.
    3. Enjoy.

  • If you use the package :

    1. Download and unzip the provided archive somewhere.
    2. Go to this directory and execute the file 'backupNppData.bat', it will backup %APPDATA%/Notepad++ then delete. (In case Notepad++ were installed to avoid problems)
    3. Enjoy.

Installation files top

[EDIT]Link removed for now. Will plan to release an User-Defined language file instead. So, modifying NP++ itself won't be needed. Meanwhile, I suggest you try to create your own UDL file, it's very easy.

Arkshine 11-15-2011 18:21

Re: Notepad++ AlliedMods Edition

Arkshine 11-15-2011 18:21

Re: Notepad++ AlliedMods Edition

nikhilgupta345 11-15-2011 20:26

Re: Notepad++ AlliedMods Edition
Very good job. I'm about to try it out now.

EDIT: I like the colors you chose + the compiler features. Well done. The only thing i have to say, but I know it's not your fault it's the plugin's fault, is when you can close specific functions showing only the function header, it closes from where the brace is. I use braces under the header, not next to the header, so it doesn't fully close the function.

For example

PHP Code:

public Function()
something 40;
something += 10;

Turns into

PHP Code:

public Function()

Not a big deal, but it look cleaner if that was fixed (not sure if you can do it) :)

Also, quick question: how do you create workspaces in notepad++ like you have shown in the first screenshot. That tree looks a lot neater than the SherloXplorer.

Kreation 11-15-2011 23:09

Re: Notepad++ AlliedMods Edition

Originally Posted by nikhilgupta345 (Post 1597198)
Also, quick question: how do you create workspaces in notepad++ like you have shown in the first screenshot. That tree looks a lot neater than the SherloXplorer.

It's under View > Project, I just found it.

Also, for the compiler, do we have to get the script from fysiks' tutorial, or what do we do exactly. I'm not entirely understanding that.

Although, very nice job.

MyPc 11-16-2011 00:15

Re: Notepad++ AlliedMods Edition
What should i do to compile with the notepad ?

ConnorMcLeod 11-16-2011 01:16

Re: Notepad++ AlliedMods Edition

Originally Posted by Kreation (Post 1597240)
Also, for the compiler, do we have to get the script from fysiks' tutorial.

No, it's ready to use, compiler is provided with npp.


Originally Posted by MyPc (Post 1597255)
What should i do to compile with the notepad ?

Read first post LAZY ASS :mrgreen:


Originally Posted by Arkshine (Post 1597162)
Use F6 the first time to choose the script, then Ctrl + F6 to execute the active one.

Good job ;)

fysiks 11-16-2011 02:44

Re: Notepad++ AlliedMods Edition
Finally! Good job. I might be able to check it out in the next 4 or 5 weeks :).

P.S. All those spaces are makin' me dizzy! Tabs FTW.

drekes 11-16-2011 03:08

Re: Notepad++ AlliedMods Edition
Looks awesome, i really like the To-do list feature.
Gonna try it out soon.

Good job.

Arkshine 11-16-2011 03:12

Re: Notepad++ AlliedMods Edition

The only thing i have to say, but I know it's not your fault it's the plugin's fault, is when you can close specific functions showing only the function header, it closes from where the brace is. I use braces under the header, not next to the header, so it doesn't fully close the function.
Sorry, I've tried to read several times, I don't understand. Try to explain in others ways with a reproductive example. :p

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